Rebecca Walker
As the daughter of Pulitzer Prize-winning
black author Alice Walker and white Jewish civil rights lawyer
Mel Leventhal, Walker describes herself as a “movement
child.” Her light caramel skin was to signify hope for
racial unity. Fragmented by the divorce of her parents and
stripped of idealism, the reality of her childhood experience
was not quite so hopeful. Her life on both coasts dividing time
between mom and dad presented a large set of challenges. And
peers (along with some family members) weren’t so easily able to
embrace the unique blend of culture that Walker represented. Yet
she feels she has been made stronger with each difficult moment
“Through looking at the ways in which I
have performed race and class and culture my whole life. I have
realized that so much of those things are masks and that we are
all performing,” she says. “And I know now that there is a much
deeper and more meaningful self beneath and beyond that mask.”
Walker was born in 1969 in Jackson, Mississippi, to an
interracial "movement" couple who married in defiance of
Mississippi's anti-miscegenation laws. She attended Yale
University where she graduated Cum Laude in May 1992. After
graduation, she founded Third Wave Direct Action Corporation, a
national non-profit organization devoted to cultivating young
women's leadership and activism. In their first summer, Third
Wave initiated an historic emergency youth drive that registered
over twenty thousand new voters in inner cities across the
United States.
Walker started the youth-oriented Third Wave
in response to several events and trends, including the Rodney
King verdict, the Bush administration and the Anita
Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings. "The established organizations
like the NAACP and NOW didn't speak my language," Walker
said. "It didn't feel like me somehow."
Rebecca is also a writer and has been a
contributing editor to Ms. magazine since 1989. Her
writing, which engages such issues as reproductive freedom,
domestic violence, and sexuality has been published in
Essence, Mademoiselle, The New York Daily News,
SPIN, Harper's, Sassy, The Black Scholar,
and various women's and black studies anthologies including
Listen Up (Seal) and Testimony (Beacon). Most
recently, she has edited an anthology exploring young women's
struggles to reclaim and redefine feminism entitled, To be
Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism
(Anchor/Doubleday, November 1995).
In January 1996, Rebecca added "socially
mindful entrepreneur" to her list of activist activities
when she and partner Angel Williams opened Kokobar, a
Cyberlounge/ Expresso Bar/Bookstore in Ft. Greener, Brooklyn,
designed to provide Internet access and education to urban
multi-cultural communities.
Equally concerned with communicating with
people who do not read, Rebecca has hosted a television forum on
inner city teen violence (WGBH-Boston), as well as about
pregnancy and drug abuse. She has also produced segments for
young activism among homeless teens, and the youth-response to
nuclear weaponry (KRON-San Francisco).
In the process of her work with Third Wave and
her discussions of feminism with others, Walker noticed
something. "People would appreciate what I was doing, but
they weren't comfortable with the term feminist," she said.
"Feminist wasn't a bad word for me, but I heard what they had
"There's this split between generations,"
she continued. "A link needs to be forged. I decided to
do this book because I wanted to bridge it.
"Simultaneously, I was starting to question
what my own feminism was going to look like. I knew I'd embody
feminism in a different way from my mother, and that was scary
for me."
Reading from her introduction to the book,
Walker explained her personal conflicts in developing a personal
feminist perspective. "A year before I started this book, my
life was like a feminist ghetto," she read. "Every vision
had to measure into my feminist vision. My existence was an
ongoing state of saying no to the universe."
This conflict led to "the guilt of
betrayal"-Walker felt she "wasn't strong enough to be a
feminist." A collection of images came to her when she
thought about what it meant to be a feminist. "You had to
live in poverty, hate pornography and must always be devoted to
the uplift of your gender," Walker said. If you enjoyed
other activities, such as "being spanked before sex, being
treated like a lady or getting married-you couldn't be a
The need for a new and diverse feminism was
called for, she thought. "We have a different vantage point
on the world than our mothers," Walker explained. "Many
young men and women just bow out altogether. The people in this
book have not bowed out. They talk of their own ideal and add
their own voices to the feminist dialogue." Voices are
important, Walker believes. "If feminism is to be radical and
alive [it needs] to respond to new situations, needs, desires
and incorporate all those who swear by it."
For her work, Rebecca has been featured on
CNN, MTV, The Charlie Rose Show, The Joan Rivers Show, and in
The New York Times, The Chicago Times, The Atlanta Constitution,
the San Francisco Examiner, Harper's Bazaar, Working Woman,
Elle, Esquire, and U.S. News and World Report. She has received
the "Feminist of the Year" award from the Fund for the Feminist
Majority, the "Paz Y Justicia" award from the Vandguard
Foundation, and the "Champion of Choice" award from the
California Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL).
Considered one of the most audible voices of
the young women's movement, and recently named by Time magazine
as one of the fifty future leaders of America, Rebecca currently
speaks on Third Wave feminism and the many forms of activism at
colleges and conferences across the United States and Canada.
Walker is currently raising a child with her
lover, singer Meshell N’degeOcello, and offers some interesting
insight on her life-long bisexuality. “In my experience, I
didn’t have a big coming out moment,” she says. “That
wasn’t how it worked. I just always had a kind of fluidity with
my sexuality that wasn’t really questioned. In the book, there’s
always a sexual tension with my female friends. It’s very
integrated within the pages the way it was in my life. My only
coming out equivalent would be when I told my father I was in
love with my current partner. He still says to me, ‘You’re gonna
go back to men one day.’”
During a time when many gay, lesbian and
bisexual black celebrities are not being outspoken about their
sexuality, Walker finds it a vital subject to broach. “I just
think it’s so important that we be honest about our lives,
because there are so many young people coming up who need
models, who need to know that they’re not alone. And also, I
feel that I couldn’t live my life any other way. I couldn’t be
like so many people in the media who are closeted. I just don’t
know how to do that,” Walker says.
Second-generation Walker makes her own stand for feminism,
By Danielle Service,11872,240799_213944-1,00.html