Phi Omega
To tell you a little about us, we are a
National Feminine African American/Multicultrual lesbian
sorority that reigns in Carnation Pink, Ice Blue and Pearl
White. Although we cater to lesbian women we do not discriminate
against bi-sexual, heterosexual women, or any race. We feel that
it is ultimately wrong to deny anyone the right to be interested
in a sorority such as ours. There are many women that would love
to participate in the many volunteer activities that are present
in our lesbian communities as well as in the heterosexual arena.
The first chapter of Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. was
established in Tallahassee, FL and there are five founding
Diamonds: Alexus Perez, Misty Wright, Nichole Lanier, Debra
Bender, and Andrea Spencer.
We do a wide range of community service, such
as Aids Awareness, The March of Dimes,Breast Cancer Awareness,
Safe Sex seminars, Black Lesbian pride events, and so much more.
We are always looking for dedicated women to help Beta Phi Omega
expand in your city or state. We really need women that can be
leaders and is not affraid to make a mark in history! Beta Phi
Omega Sorority, Inc. is a sorority that is strongly geared
towards awareness, pride, love, joy, prosperity, community
involvement, and last but certainly not least lesbian victory!
If you are interested in Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc.
Please feel free to fill out the online application form that is
also located on the website. If you would like to send us
an e-mail you can do so at:
There is a lot more to be known about Beta Phi Omega because we
are growing rapidly, therefore please also send all your
questions and concerns to our e-mail address and you will
receive a response back promptly.
Five Founding Diamonds
The Five Diamond Stars marked the
beginning of what is now Nationally known as Beta Phi Omega
Sorority, Inc. Five very strong shining diamond visions of
femininity decided upon great inspiration to form a bond of
lesbian sisterly unity. It was a well envisioning dream to set
forth a mind altering state of intellectual, beautiful,
feminine, community involving, well rounded, well respected,
prideful, victorious, lesbian women.
Community Service Projects
~Lesbian Safer Sex~
Yes! There is a such thing as Lesbian Safer Sex. This may be
somewhat graphic, but it has to be said and understood. Yes, you
can come upon a sexually transmitted disease through oral sex.
For those of you living and dreaming in a disease free land of
oral pleasure SNAP OUT OF IT and wake up! You can get HIV/AIDS,
you can get GONORRHEA, you can get HERPES as well as many other
STD's. Do you think just because you are not having
"heterosexual sex" that you cannot get these diseases? Well, you
are wrong. The transfer of semen and other bodily fluids can
give you all of these diseases. It is extremely important that
you protect yourself. While giving oral sex or even receiving it
you have to be careful and know that unless you and your partner
gets tested regularly, how will you ever know for sure if you
are disease free?????? GET TESTED!
But! Oral sex is not all. For all
of you that like to use toys such as STRAP ON DILDOS aka the
strap. You must also use the proper protection. How do you
honestly know where the strap has been and who it's been up in?
Do you honestly feel that soap and water will make it OK to use?
Well, if you think it is ok, you run the risk of infecting
Lesbian Sex can be very
enjoyable. Be wise in your decisions. Be discreet within
yourself. Get tested regularly. If you are in a serious
committed relationship go with your partner or lover. You have
to cover all boundaries for yourself and others around you.
Below Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. has furnished a few websites
below to give you a better understanding of what Safer lesbian
sex is. These links will tell you about how the proper ways to
use Dental Dams, and different places you can purchase them.
They will also give you insight on what is true and what is not
true. These links will answer different myths you may have had
about oral sex.
Breast Cancer Awareness
Far too often women are faced with the reality of Breast Cancer.
It is highly important that breast examinations are done
regularly as to help prevent the many problems and complications
that arise with Breast Cancer. Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc.
takes Breast Cancer very seriously and is willing to do all that
we can to educate everyone about this serious matter. Breast
examinations can be done in the privacy of your own home but as
stated above, they must be done regularly so that you can master
and know the feel of your own breasts. Breasts naturally have
lumps in them, this is why it is important to get to know the
form of your breasts so that you can easily notice when
something is not quite right. It is also important to have an
annually or every six month check up to ensure your health. For
the women who have already been diagnosed, or knows someone that
has breast cancer and does not know where to go or exactly what
to do. There are many support groups for Breast Cancer as well
as funding for women that cannot afford to get the care they
need. For the women that are unsure or do not know how to detect
breast cancer, below you will also be able to see different
resources about Breast Cancer and things to look out for. Beta
Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. urges you to check out each and every
one of these websites so that you can get a better understanding
of Breast Cancer. Get involved and even volunteer. The awareness
of Breast Cancer is something that should be prominent in every
household and community! If you have any questions or need help
in researching please e-mail us at:

Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc.
P.O. Box 7496
Tallahassee, FL 32314