Tonyia Rawls
Unity Fellowship Church
Charlotte (UFCC)
Tonyia Rawls started with the Unity Fellowship Church Movement
in April 1997 with Inner Light Unity Fellowship Church of
Washington, DC. Almost immediately, she began the Womyn's
Ministry, which has proven to be one of the most active
auxiliaries of the Church. She taught Bible study to the
liturgical [ministerial] staff and preached at many of the
sister churches of the Movement. Additionally, she was given charge and oversight of the direction of the Deacons and
Deacon Candidates and their studies.
In Early 2001, Reverend Rawls
founded Unity Fellowship Church Charlotte (UFCC). Their
congregation has grown over 100+ in this short period of time.
Reverend Rawls was
consecrated as an Evangelist Missionary by the Church of God In
Christ ['90] and as a Minister of the Gospel with Unified
Freewill Baptist Church ['94].
Rawls has been teaching and
preaching for more than 15 years and "looks forward to
fulfilling [her] destiny and assisting as many others as [she]
can along their life journey."
Currently, Unity Fellowship
Church Charlotte is meeting at St. Luke's Lutheran Church but
they are trusting and believing that God is going to bless them
with their own building by the end of 2002.

God Is Love And Love Is For
Unity Fellowship Church
P.O. Box 37131
Charlotte, NC 28237
phone/fax 704.523.7639