More Kings of Drag

Alexis P. Suter
Singer Alexis P. Suter is a critical favorite
in the house community. Her strong vocal presence has powered
records like "Slam Me Baby" into classic status. Alexis now
records primarily for Hipbone Records, who have released her
most recent singles including the much-charted "All Night Long"
and "You Don't Know." In between sessions, Suter keeps a busy
schedule as a member of the Lavender Light Gospel Choir.
Don't Know"
Night Long"

Steele of the Sugar Daddy
David is: Libra with Scorpio
rising and Aquarian moon
Drives: 1970 mustang
Occupation: writer/musician
Favorite Movie: A Fish Called Wanda
Fetish: spankings, fishnets
Turnoffs: pretentiousness
Hobbies: guitars, cigars
Ending comment: “which one of you girls want me to hold ya,
which one of you girls want me to kiss ya, which one of you
girls want me to...”
The Sugar Daddys are a genderFuck troupe of 7
rock star, leather slappin', big papa, fag glamour Drag Kings
and 4 diva-licious Sugar Babies.


Dee Trayn
and Pink Trasy
Dee Trayn and Pink Trasy
have been taking the world by storm for about a year now. This
comedy drag duo have performed everything from Joan Jet,Salt N'
Pepa to Hill bilies and Milli Vanilli. They cover all genre and
for them the crazier the better and they go through at least two
to three costume changes in one song.
were filmed for a Judith Halberstam documentary on drag kings.
Dee and Pink are both native New Yorkers and started there act
performing at amateur night at The Murry Hill and Penny Show on
the L.E.S (lower east side). After winning several amateur
nights in a row
they decided to take their show on the road and
proceeded to perform at "Joe's Public Theater" with Marga Gomez
and at other various night clubs like the "Slipper Room" and
Dee Trayn does also
perform solo as "Belvis" the Black Elvis and music greats Lenny
Kravitz and Clarence Carter, Dr. Dre, Louie Armtrong and Stevie
Wonder. And soon to be aired this fall on MTV who did a segment
on drag kings.
So keep your eyes peeled
for this crazy duo with comedy style and sexapeal.

Harry Krishna
Harry Krishna Was Born and raised
In NYC, He's Been Performing In Drag On and Off Over 3 Years.
He's Also has been Featured In An Article In Marie Claire UK
Talking About Living two Lives, By Day A corporate 9-5er And by
Night a Performer, His First Big Break Was Performing At Club
Casanova in A Drag Contest then Later Went Off to Perform In DC
At Club Chaos Winning First place In A drag Off ( Drag Contest)
as well as Appearing at IDKE In Columbus Ohio. He Likes To Think
Of Himself As A Shy Feminine Guy. Who Loves To Perform And
Create Pure Drama For The Audience.
He's Altar Ego Is Krishna Who Is
A professional Dancer, As Well as an aspiring Actress, Who's
Done Work on Sex and the city( HBO) , Strangers with Candy (
Comedy Central) The Rupaul Show (VH-1) and Worked With Wyclef
Harry Krishna Takes Dragging As One More Way To express Sex
Appeal , Art, Creativity ,DANCE and a chance To Express His
Feminine Side as Well As His Masculine Side, That's Why he
chooses Characters that have That Border Line Female/male