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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


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"Health/Fitness" archive

Friday 28 April

  • A Need For Hand/Glove Wraps (16:13) - Typically, because I am mostly focused on aerobic exercise and not so much on weight training, I had not thought about using hand wraps until last night when I touched something on one of the machines and had to immediately... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 26 April

  • Working It! (15:29) - I'm back in the saddle again with my exercise routine. Because of the septic hip event this weekend, I took it easy and have been keeping my cardio workout to the recumbent bike – a more comfortable seat which provides... | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments
  • Monday 24 April

  • The Hip Bone’s Connected To The . . . (09:16) - After dealing with adverse pain yesterday I finally conceded defeat and swallowed two extra-strength Tylenols. Well, it numbed the pain a bit but did not take it away. Needless to say, my day was lost on pain and as a... | 0 Trackbacks | 2 Comments
  • Sunday 23 April

  • Making Lemonade -- Again (07:41) - I have had a busy couple of days. I skipped the gym on Thursday because I felt I needed to put a few breaks in my workout every week to allow my body to adjust. Unfortunately, Friday morning I felt... | 0 Trackbacks | 2 Comments
  • Wednesday 19 April

  • Hitting The Wall (22:59) - I’m not talking about hitting the wall like runners who get to a certain place where their legs feel like lead and their feet disappear, though they know they’re still picking ‘em up and putting ‘em down. No, the “hitting... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Monday 17 April

  • Prednisone Anyone (06:20) - I took a day off from exercise on Saturday to give myself a break. At home I have a weight bench and stepper (my treadmill bit the dust) which made it easier for me to do a little conditioning and... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 13 April

  • Better Than I Imagined (15:30) - I made it in to the club yesterday and really enjoyed my workout. The more I go and actually move the body, the better I feel. However, today I noticed something. The joint and bone pain I once experienced has... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 12 April

  • Abbott And Earvin 'Magic' Johnson Form Partnership (12:13) - Abbott announced today it has entered into a partnership with Earvin "Magic" Johnson (right) to address health disparities in minority communities through a multi-year, nationwide education effort. The partnership will create an opportunity to have meaningful dialogue to address health... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • I'm Glad I Grew Up In Illinois (06:44) - In Illinois, I had physical education from elementary through high school. I was shocked to read the following article on CNN stating it is not a requirement in all states. No wonder we have an obesity problem with kids in... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Monday 10 April

  • Update On Club (22:33) - This machine fascinates me. Today I took a day off for bereavement which really translates to a sick day because employers do not give days off for mourning a pet. I could complain about that considering mine are pampered... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Onward And Upward (06:11) - Well, my interest in the Altadena 24-Hour Magic Johnson Sport club has waned. Though it is a minute or two from home my club experience was more like a nightmare than a joyful experience. My first evening there I found... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Friday 7 April

  • Finally (07:19) - I finally made it to the Magic Johnson 24-Hour Fitness Sport facility near me and I was impressed. After making my usual call to inquire about their sauna and expecting the usual response “no, it’s not open yet,” I was... | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments
  • Thursday 30 March

  • Dis - Ability (11:49) - I so understand the following article written by a woman who has lived it all of her life. It was not until recently I began noticing and experiencing the prejudices people blatantly show to those of us who are considered... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Sunday 26 March

  • On My Way (23:29) - Finally, I met up with the woman who does my hair. We have been playing phone tag for a while, then I got sick, then we played phone tag some more until we ended up in the right places at... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Saturday 4 March

  • Sick As A Dog (11:02) - I don’t know, do dogs get sick?  Anyway, I’m suffering with a cold, a wretched and horrible cold that is frightening.  Being on immune suppressants – CellCept and prednisone – makes this cold a dangerous one.  I have nothing to... | 0 Comments
  • Friday 27 January

  • State of the Evidence 2006: What Is the Connection Between the Environment and Breast Cancer (10:06) - The Breast Cancer Fund has released its 2006 State of the Evidence and the news is bleak.  Less than one out of every 10 cases of breast cancer occur in women born with a genetic predisposition for the disease, and... | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 26 January

  • Make You Wanna Holler (09:50) - As if we didn't have enough to worry about regarding genetically modified foods (GMOs) which, by the way, is being pushed heavily in Africa, we now know Teflon -- the stuff they hailed as the best thing since sliced bread... | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 19 January

  • That Darn Wolf -- Oh Well (21:00) - The news I had been expecting for the past few weeks came today – Lupus is NOT in remission.  It has raised its ugly head once more to continue its attack on my kidneys.  Not good, but I kind of... | 2 Comments
  • Monday 12 December

  • Magic Johnson 24-Hour Sport (08:29) - A few weeks ago I thought about joining a 24-Hour Fitness facility near me.  I was stopped by a friend who told me “just wait,” she said.  “They’re building a 24-Hour Magic Sport facility down the street.”  I wanted to... | 0 Comments
  • Friday 2 December

  • On The Mend (11:41) - I saw my doctor yesterday and the news from him was fantastic.  My blood values are very good, my cholesterol is excellent, protein in my urine is normal or better than most, and my lupus values are low.  He said... | 3 Comments
  • Monday 7 November

  • Pain, Pain, Go Away (07:44) - Well, I was warned.  One of my doctors warned I would experience pain after prednisone.  I must honestly report I am experiencing such excruciating pain I can’t see straight some days.  The pain in my legs, arms, hips, etc. makes... | 0 Comments
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