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Welcome to Pica 12

The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > January 2006 > That Darn Wolf -- Oh Well

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January 19, 2006

That Darn Wolf -- Oh Well

Posted at January 19, 2006 09:00 PM in Health/Fitness .

Lupus1The news I had been expecting for the past few weeks came today – Lupus is NOT in remission.  It has raised its ugly head once more to continue its attack on my kidneys.  Not good, but I kind of figured this would be the news I’d receive today.

Since dropping the prednisone, I have been holding my breath and, unfortunately, when I noticed the first leak of protein, right after the holiday party in December, I pretty much figured the wolf was back.  I have not been able to focus on anything, think about anything else, contemplate anything—basically, let’s just say my life has been on hold for the past few weeks as I held my breath and crossed my fingers hoping what I felt deep down was not true.

My doctor did not make me feel any better about this either. While discussing what possibly caused this little episode, I also discussed with my doctor the incredible thirst I experienced while at the holiday party. After a few questions and answers, he started to think this may be the beginning of renal disease – getting up frequently throughout the night to run to the bathroom and the thirst. These are also consistent with diabetes but, since my blood glucose is within normal ranges, it can also be consistent with renal failure. Stick a fork in me!

Well, it’s over and now I know. 

Today, since my worse fears have been confirmed, I am redesigning this blog to include a site on lupus information. It will serve as a kind of clearing house for me and others who are dealing with lupus or have friends or loved ones with this disease.

At the same time, knowing what I know, I can again refocus my attentions on issues close to my heart and so, Pica 12, has been redesigned as well. It was beginning to look a little too dark and I need to stay away from dark.

Unfortunately, the new meds have already started taking a toll on my stomach. I hate feeling nauseous, oh how I hate it, but the Cellcept is what I am now taking – instead of cytoxan thank God – to overcome the nephritis I am currently experiencing. Great, cytoxan relieved me of some hair and the Cellcept will probably relieve me of my stomach contents.

Too, and of course, I am now back on prednisone. A friend told me I will probably be taking this God awful stuff for the remainder of my life, a maintenance dose she said, maybe something between 1 and 5 mgs. Great, let me start looking at the BBD fashions.

I am also back on BP meds – blood pressure – the kidneys get hot, the blood pressure goes up, the blood pressure goes up, the kidneys get hot.

I will concede I ain’t no spring chicken and I’ve had problems throughout life. I’ve gotten over them, yes they were bad, and like I’ve always done, I’ve made lemonade. Life handed me a bowl full of lemons and I have learned to make the best lemonade. I will learn to love that *(#*)%_#*()&&!! Renal diet in spite of myself and will move on, as usual.



Posted by at January 20, 2006 07:29 PM

I'm praying for you, Angela. By the way, sometimes two tablespoons of plain yogurt before a meal can help with nausea.

Posted by Kim Pearson at January 21, 2006 06:39 AM

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