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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > April 2006 > A Need For Hand/Glove Wraps

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April 28, 2006

A Need For Hand/Glove Wraps

Posted at April 28, 2006 04:13 PM in Health/Fitness , Lupus .

bx-ac-17.jpgTypically, because I am mostly focused on aerobic exercise and not so much on weight training, I had not thought about using hand wraps until last night when I touched something on one of the machines and had to immediately run and wash my hands. Because I am on immune suppressants I have to be very careful of what I touch, where I sit, and of course, who is sneezing.

Since I’m about to bump up my exercise routine and take it to the next level – for some, that won’t be by much – I will need to use something on my hands when handling the equipment in the gym – the elliptical, the ab crunch machines, and some of the weights, particularly the hand weights.

Last night, I overheard one young man say he was told by one of the trainers to NEVER touch your face after handling the hand weights. He said he made that mistake a few days ago and ended up with a bad rash. Since my new routine will mean moving from machine to machine – elliptical, cycle, treadmill – and then moving upstairs for weights – legs one day, upper body the next – I think I had better employ a little caution since I too am guilty of forgetting sometimes and for me, I may end up with more than a bad rash.

The elliptical has finally become my friend or at least my legs and buttocks are not as cantankerous as they were in the beginning about the whole idea. I’m concentrating my efforts right now on endurance because I have this beautiful mountain bike I have not ridden in a few years and would like to ride again, into the mountains, for a few photo trips. Too, I would like to do an AIDS ride of some sort or a walk, ride, run for something.

I’m not really big on weighing myself daily so I don’t know what I’ve lost, if anything, this week. What I have noticed is a reduction in the waistline, legs, abs and cheeks – particularly the cheeks. With that, I really don’t care what the weight is only that I feel better walking, jogging, climbing stairs, etc., and I do.

One disappointing revelation this week was the discovery that my other favorite salad from California Pizza Kitchen is high, high, high in sodium and this represented a setback. I had no idea their Waldorf salad was so high in sodium. This may have been the culprit for the increase in my blood pressure this week – though it could have honestly been my hot head the morning I visited my doctor – I really do need anger management, oh boy. But three days of the CPK Waldorf was not a good idea, particularly the celery – which I love but it has always been at a cost. Oh well, you live and learn.

This weekend I will fire up the stove and will cook an entire week of meals so there will be no excuse for me to go out and buy anything unhealthy for myself.


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