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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > April 2006 > Working It!

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April 26, 2006

Working It!

Posted at April 26, 2006 03:29 PM in Health/Fitness , Lupus .

exercise_1828_25893950.gifI'm back in the saddle again with my exercise routine. Because of the septic hip event this weekend, I took it easy and have been keeping my cardio workout to the recumbent bike – a more comfortable seat which provides less stress in the hip area – and the elliptical – no impact. I am also doing more ab work to rid myself of the Pillsbury Dough Girl look and finally, I’m beginning to see some benefit. This morning I saw something I haven’t seen in a long while, definition in the internal and external oblique muscles. Okay, it ain’t a lot but to actually see them, after all of these years, means a lot to me.

The workout has helped me in my fight against fatigue. Every day I go to the gym is a day I feel less tired, my brain doesn’t feel like sludge, and overall my body feels more like it did in my youth – well, let’s not go that far – “healthier” I think is more the appropriate word to use here.

The sauna and steam baths were beneficial for my arthritis this weekend, not only for the hip, but my hands, wrist and that tennis elbow I love joking about because I have not played tennis in years. Oddly enough, my funny tennis elbow has not affected me since I started going to the gym and sitting in the sauna/steam rooms.

Nitro_Ab_Crunch.jpgNow, on to my favorite machine. The Nautilus Nitro Abdominal machine has become my good friend. Not only has it made a dent in my prednisone gut, it has helped with posture. Additionally, I’ve started using the ab crunch benches along the wall in the gym to work both the obliques and the future home of my hopeful six-pack – yeah right.

When I started out with this exercise program I gained about 10 pounds. Now, believing my body has acclimated to the exercise routine, I am now beginning to lose weight. Seeing this has given me hope and inspired me to continue – even on those days I really don’t want to get my butt up and out of the house to trek the minute or two to the gym and find parking.

Another plus is my blood pressure has dropped and hovers around 118/78. I’m hoping some of the meds I am currently taking, which is mostly blood pressure (BP) meds will be decreased as well. Currently, I am taking three BP meds, Altace – which is a BP med that does nothing for Black folk but is typically prescribed to reduce protein leakage, not blood pressure – Verapamil, and Banicar, which was prescribed to “protect the kidneys.” I’m hoping one or two of these will be decreased this week – hopefully, lest I pass out from low blood pressure.

I am still taking my vitamin supplements like B, C, D, E, Iron, Calcium and fish oils which helps reduce inflammation and is supposedly good for arthritis – I’ve been told I’ll not know the full results of this for a few months. My diet is mostly vegetarian though I will add in some chicken strips, shrimp (very few) and red meat (rarely) to my diet every now and then. The veggies, however, reign supreme from salads to cooked, steam or raw. My modified vegetarian, low sodium diet – though I still have cravings for pizza – appears to give me more energy, I don’t feel has heavy or burdened as I used to feel when every meal contained some form of animal protein. This has been particularly useful on those days I tend to work long hours and get little sleep. Instead of waking up feeling like a truck ran over me, I now feel a little tired but not worn out – like take me out back and shoot me worn out.

All in all, I’m feeling good about my exercise program and my diet. Losing the inches feels good, the little bit of weight loss is fabulous, and not feeling like sludge is a huge plus.

I have a long road ahead of me to get over the hump I apparently created for myself though lack of action, movement, whatever I want to call my inactivity these past few years since Christine’s death. I sat down and did not get up and I’ve always known that is a big no-no for me. I don’t know how this gym was dropped in this neighborhood at this time but, then again, I am a believer all things happen for a reason.

Which brings me to something else. One of the guys last night said that particular gym has more members than any of the other 24-hour sport gyms in the area and it has more members than the 24-hour super sport. People are coming to our club from many miles away, bypassing other clubs to join this particular one. Everyone I’ve met so far has said this club is far better than others in the area. I’m certainly enjoying it and, as a friend of mine loves to say, I’m meeting people I don’t know and for that, I’m grateful.


Recipe for a ripe old age: fruit and veg, exercise, no smoking

An Exercise Program Designed for People with Lupus…

Exercise and Lupus - (PDF)

Internal Warfare


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Just came across your blog,linked from getting info on the new 24-Fitness at Woodbury; your comments are astute and interesting.
I ran around your other posts found that your birthday was a few days ago! A Very Happy Belated, and keep on with your fine site.

You sound like a very dynamic, good woman, whose spirit is shining. All good things to you. I look forward to your future posts.

Posted by Ben at April 26, 2006 11:21 PM

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