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You are here: Home > April 2006 > Study Assesses How Many Gays Marry if Legal

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April 27, 2006

Study Assesses How Many Gays Marry if Legal

Posted at April 27, 2006 09:36 AM in Gay & Lesbian Issues , Marriage Equality .

This article by David Crary of the Associated Press is an interesting article however, I'm not sure what the intended outcome was supposed to be for the study. A number of gays and lesbians are not out and as a result, how does one come to these figures. It seems speculative to me.

A quote from the article, made by Maggie Gallagher, president of the Institute for Marriage and co-author of the study, said interpretations of the findings might vary according to one's views on gay marriage.

One faction, she said, might conclude that opposition to gay marriage was an overreaction given that seemingly modest numbers of people were choosing it. Another faction, she said, might look at the same numbers and contend that they did not justify overturning the long-standing concept of marriage as exclusively heterosexual.

"That's why the debate is so contentious," Gallagher said. "In one view, if you treat gay couples any differently, that's akin to racism. There's another view that there's something special about the unions of husbands and wives."

The study looks at the numbers of those gays and lesbians who married in Belgium, the United States and Canada. What was the purpose of the study? I don't know, but the figures are interesting. [Read More]


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