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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > March 2006 > On My Way

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March 26, 2006

On My Way

Posted at March 26, 2006 11:29 PM in Health/Fitness .

24HF_Magic.gifFinally, I met up with the woman who does my hair. We have been playing phone tag for a while, then I got sick, then we played phone tag some more until we ended up in the right places at the right time to set up a time to meet today.

She noticed the change in my hair as well. I initially thought it was me but knowing now someone else has noticed it confirms I’m right, the drugs are changing my hair. It’s definitely stronger than I remember it being and it is more wavy and straighter than I remember.

She and I, as always, had a very interesting conversation about jobs, management, and how people conduct themselves in business. I did not expect a conversation like this between us, but for whatever reason, the sun shined down on us and the moon was in the proper place somewhere in the universe.

After the hair doing, I headed from there over to Port-O-Call only to find one kazillion people out, everywhere, walking, dancing, cavorting with any and everyone and no parks for the weary Jeep looking for a place to settle down for the afternoon.

Not liking crowds anyway, I drove to a nice little empty area of the pier where I parked and admired this cute little tug boat. I was drawn to it. It was calling to me and I had to oblige it and got out of my car to photograph the little guy, which turned out not to be so little the closer I got to it.

As I photographed, I noticed several cruisers cruising by and watching me. Trying not to appear as if I was some sort of terrorist holding a weapon of mass destruction – my camera – I snuggled close to one of the posts sitting there on the pier for an up close and personal view. Figuring me for a “crazy fine art photographer” they moved on only to return minutes later to watch me again. I guess, maybe, perhaps, I was entertaining with my Indiana Jones Temple of Doom hat, western style boots, and a camera. Later, I was approached my another officer friendly who had to know what I was doing with that weapon of mass destruction.

I can say this, the terrorists have won. Photographers cannot do what they do because the terrorists did what they did and now just doing camera work is doing too much.

From there I hurried home because I wanted to check out the Magic Johnson 24-Hour Fitness near me only to find a zoo when I entered. They had plenty of equipment, some of which I already have at home, a laughable “Olympic Sized” pool, and guess what, no sauna. The only reason why I was there was to sit in the supposed sauna I heard they were to have only to discover the thing won’t be ready til Friday.

But wait, there’s more. When I arrived, I had a hard time figuring out how to get in the place. Utilizing my trusty cell phone, I called them and I wish I had recorded that conversation. The girl told me to use the parking structure, the same parking structure that was pitch black when I arrived. I told the young woman I was not going into that parking structure in total darkness. The young woman told me she told one of the male managers about the dark lot only to have him look at her “like I was crazy.” Yeah, guys think nothing of a dark parking structure, however, for women, the first question we will hear from the police or defendant’s lawyer is “why did you go into a dark parking structure?” Yes, mitigate, mitigate, mitigate.

I’m glad now I did not sign up early for this club, the disappointment would have been greater had I done so only to find what I came to enjoy may or may never exist. What a downer.

Realizing I will not sit in a sauna near me anytime soon to bake off the prednisone and occasional gelato binges, I returned home for a nice dinner and yes, gelato.

The up side is I got my hair did. The downside is the 24-Hour Sport near me is of no use to me. I’ll wait until they actually produce a sauna – if ever – or will fix my brain and my head to travel all the way into Glendale for the Super Sport and call it a day. Either that or fix my head and pocketbook to build one inside the house, which is still on the table actually. The latter may be a better idea.

In the meantime, I will prepare my cameras for assault from portacops and the officer friendly. My choice of weapons have become weapons of mass destruction. Thank you GW for a job well done.


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