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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > December 2005 > Magic Johnson 24-Hour Sport

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December 12, 2005

Magic Johnson 24-Hour Sport

Posted at December 12, 2005 08:29 AM in Health/Fitness .

24hf_magicA few weeks ago I thought about joining a 24-Hour Fitness facility near me.  I was stopped by a friend who told me “just wait,” she said.  “They’re building a 24-Hour Magic Sport facility down the street.”  I wanted to know how she knew this because there are no signs posted around the new construction.  I knew something huge was going up in the neighborhood but as far as I could tell it was some sort of business something or other.  There are signs posted about some sort of food store business development something but there is nothing there indicating a 24-Hour Fitness.

Last night, my friend came by and in her hands was a card confirming what she told me and I was delighted.  Not only will it be a Magic Johnson facility, it is a 24-Hour Fitness Sport facility meaning, basketball, maybe a pool, a sauna or steam room and oh my! 

I’m glad I did not sign up over in yuppie-ville.  At my age, I find I’m more interested in hanging around buppies, not yuppies.  Knowing this facility is within walking distance from me is wonderful.  Knowing I will have access to the club 24-hours is another plus.  I can’t wait.

As it turns out, my friend knows a number of people who represent business development within my community and she actually got wind of this a few months ago and hoped I would not go out and join another club.  Actually, a few of my friends are interested in signing up at this club and dropping their existing memberships.  It will be great to have a place to go, within the community, which will also give all of us an opportunity to get to know some of our neighbors and do a little networking—there’s a lot about my community that is very interesting. 

Anyway, I’m very excited about the proposition of a club right around the corner from me—well, let’s say less than 5 minutes away. I’m also glad it’s a Sport facility—the one in yuppie-ville Pasadena is not a Sport. 

This morning, as I exited my door, posted on the door handle was the news:  Magic Johnson Sport is now enrolling!  I'll probably now sign up for one of those "go anywhere" memberships, including yuppie-ville.  Heck, I might even go for a personal trainer who might motivate the flubber off of me.  I’m so loving life right now. 


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