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Welcome to Pica 12

The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


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"Lupus" archive

Friday 28 April

  • A Need For Hand/Glove Wraps (16:13) - Typically, because I am mostly focused on aerobic exercise and not so much on weight training, I had not thought about using hand wraps until last night when I touched something on one of the machines and had to immediately... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 26 April

  • Working It! (15:29) - I'm back in the saddle again with my exercise routine. Because of the septic hip event this weekend, I took it easy and have been keeping my cardio workout to the recumbent bike – a more comfortable seat which provides... | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments
  • Monday 24 April

  • The Hip Bone’s Connected To The . . . (09:16) - After dealing with adverse pain yesterday I finally conceded defeat and swallowed two extra-strength Tylenols. Well, it numbed the pain a bit but did not take it away. Needless to say, my day was lost on pain and as a... | 0 Trackbacks | 2 Comments
  • Monday 17 April

  • Prednisone Anyone (06:20) - I took a day off from exercise on Saturday to give myself a break. At home I have a weight bench and stepper (my treadmill bit the dust) which made it easier for me to do a little conditioning and... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 13 April

  • Better Than I Imagined (15:30) - I made it in to the club yesterday and really enjoyed my workout. The more I go and actually move the body, the better I feel. However, today I noticed something. The joint and bone pain I once experienced has... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 12 April

  • Focus On Increasing Lupus Awareness (12:50) - The Barbado Advocate Posted - Mon Apr 10 2006 By Khalil Goodman Doctors have seen a steady increase in the numbers of Barbadians who have lupus in the last few years. Doctor Cindy Flower, the lone rheumatologist at the Queen... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Friday 31 March

  • Beautiful Sleep (06:05) - I feel very good this morning; I got some sleep. For the first time in weeks I actually got a full night’s restful sleep. Unfortunately, yesterday was not a good day because I got no sleep and had to go... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 23 March

  • Sleep? Finally! Well, Almost (07:16) - I celebrate small victories and the last couple of nights have been small victories. Last night I actually got five hours of sleep. Not the best, but I’ll take it. The night prior, I got four hours of sleep. Again,... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Saturday 18 March

  • Sleep Deprivation Part Deux (10:50) - Yesterday I did go back to bed for naught. I tossed and turned for a couple of hours before finally coming to the conclusion that sleep, for me anyway, is elusive. I got up and walked, miserably, around the house... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Friday 17 March

  • The Joys And Sorrows Of Medication (09:36) - I have not written about my life with lupus lately because I’ve been feeling like a crud muffin. Because the doctors never tell you the down side of medication, I’m left to field through the layers of medi-talk and medi-ease... | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments
  • Saturday 11 February

  • One's Own Stem Cells May Treat Lupus (17:42) - Compiled by the DiversityInc staff© 2006®February 02, 2006Printer-Friendly Format For all of her 20s, when Edjuana Ross should have been relishing the thrill of early adulthood, she was instead in and out of hospitals, battling a disease that attacked... | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 9 February

  • The Problem . . . (05:08) - The solution given for my heart beating rapidly and pounding in my chest was this -- a banana.  Yes, I needed potassium.  Apparently, when you're doing diuretics, particularly the high dose of lasix and I forget the other one that... | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 8 February

  • Another Day Off -- Oh Well (09:47) - Oh well, I’m off, again.  Had to take the day off because my heart is beating so wild in my chest and at such a quick step it’s wearing me out.  I mean tired, as in wore out.  What makes... | 0 Comments
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