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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > March 2006 > Beautiful Sleep

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March 31, 2006

Beautiful Sleep

Posted at March 31, 2006 06:05 AM in Lupus .

sleep_1024.jpgI feel very good this morning; I got some sleep. For the first time in weeks I actually got a full night’s restful sleep. Unfortunately, yesterday was not a good day because I got no sleep and had to go through the entire day feeling like a zombie.

Will this continue? I don’t know, one could only hope. What I do know is the difference between what I felt yesterday – and many prior mornings – and this morning is a wonderful glorious feeling. My brain today is ready for the world. Yesterday, however, the brain was plain old dead in the water.

There is so much I want to do but, without sleep, I will not do if sleeplessness continues. Tomorrow, provided I get sleep tonight, I hope to travel the coastline to photograph the shoreline and the many sights along the way finally ending at Venice Beach – the photographer’s haven – to capture the many characters there.

I’ve thought about Venice Beach constantly this week. Since leaving the city, I’ve not been to Venice and I honestly kind of miss the many characters I used to see along the boardwalk. I don’t know how much has changed since I’ve been away, but it will be nice to see and actually shoot there again.

Hopefully, and again, provided I get some sleep, I’ll get there very early in the morning and will stay there for a good portion of the day, provided the place has not lost much of its character. It should present a nice outing for me and will also make for a celebration of sorts as I finally crawl back into the saddle again. Well, we’ll see.

Now, if only I could find some folks who don’t mind “roughing it” in the mountains or on hikes. My good friends have all become homebodies. Their interest in taking hikes rank right up there with root canals and giving birth to triplets which caused me to put an ad – the first for me – in our group listing with hopes someone in our little group will respond with an interest in hiking, fishing, and taking spontaneous trips to only God knows where.

Hopefully, when the list goes out on Sunday someone will come through expressing an interest in joining me otherwise, I’ll look around for other groups and I’m thinking I just might join Women On A Roll if all else fails. This, I am sure will piss off a number of my friends as I’ll be “hanging with White women again,” but as it is, I’ll never be Black enough and many sisters just aren’t really interested in me or doing many of the things I do anyway. No, I’m not bitter, a little irritable, but not bitter.

In truth, particularly when considering my health, I’ve come to the realization that in order to live my best life, I must remove all bars and unnecessary barriers. Doing what I thought was the right thing has only impeded my progress and now it is time for me to simply enjoy life and live it fully. In essence, I will hang out with all those I actually get along with, which I’ve done anyway to a host of criticism, but now I’m in that “screw you if you can’t take a joke” mode. Basically, I don’t care anymore.


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