On The Web
Folks Live Where Black Folks Live"
Talking to several black lesbians in Los Angeles gives the
lie to the myth that black folks and gay folks inhabit different
By Carla Thompson
Black Voices
When Jasmyne Cannick hears the comment, "go to back to West
Hollywood where you belong," it makes her blood boil.
Cannick, a board member for the National Black Justice
Coalition, an ad hoc social justice organization formed around
the issue of gay marriage, says she's not going anywhere —
especially to the white gay enclave some fellow black activists
suggest she check out.
[Read More]
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Scholar Evelyn C. White
Publishes Biography of Alice Walker
By Laura K. Cucullu
November 18, 2004
Mills College Weekly
Over the last 10 years, visiting
scholar Evelyn C. White has had hundreds of interviews,
sorted through thousands of letters, records, and photos,
and spent countless hours pouring over the life of one of
literature’s most famous authors. Her “journalist credo to
interview first-person everyone I could” took her all over
the country and the world, including Cuba, Japan, Brazil,
and Kenya.
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clergy unite to publicly support gay rights
Pastors offer ‘a more hope-filled perspective’
Friday, February 04, 2005
Southern Voice Online
Emory University’s Dr. Alton Pollard
penned a letter last month signed by more than 50 black
clergy members that said the black church needs to be more
accepting of gay Christians.
More than 50 black clergy and theologians from metro Atlanta
published a letter recently in the Atlanta Daily World calling
on African-American churches to be more sympathetic to the
political and spiritual struggles faced by gay men and lesbians.
Alton Pollard III, director of the black church
studies program at the Candler School of Theology at Emory
University, wrote the letter, which was addressed to Martin
Luther King Jr., and intended to counter the area’s growing
reputation as “the epicenter of black religious backlash when
it comes to issues of human sexuality.”
[Read More]
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Author and Activist Keith Boykin Joins the Down Low Debate
with a New Book that Asks What’s at Stake in Portraying Black
Americans as Villains and Victims in the Spread of HIV
by Lester Strong
A&U Magazine (Art & Understanding)
As I listened to the media stories about the down low over
the past year, I was really disappointed with the coverage and
lack of in-depth reporting. I wanted to write something that
would go beneath the surface. I wanted to explore the question
of whether men on the down low were really responsible for the
HIV/AIDS epidemic in the black community.
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by Anita Charlot
2005-02-01 -- Identities
Happy Valentine’s Day! Considering
that this is the month of love, relationships and, for some,
major heartbreaks and disappointments, I felt that this was the
perfect month to release my new e-Book entitled, The 5 Phases of
Dating ... Without Losing Sight of Your Purrfectly Authentic
Self. In this book, you will find my thoughts on the realities
of dating broken down into what I consider to be 5 Well-Defined
Are you tired of following the same old patterns in dating?
Can you fight the urge for immediate gratification? Wouldn’t you
like to go into your next relationship emotionally healthy and
speaking from your Purrfectly Authentic Voice? Well, this is the
book for you! In this book, I will assist you in identifying
your true wants, needs and desires and then walk you through the
5 Phases that we all should go through on our journey of finding
our life’s partner.
[Read More]
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the Relationship Blues
by Vicky Nabors
2005-02-01 -- Identifies
With the biggest holiday season behind us, we turn our
attention to the season of love and relationships, Valentine’s
Day. For this article, I decided to tie this season into some
college academics for thought purposes. Mark Knapp’s Relational
Development and Maintenance model is one that I’ve use in my
interpersonal communication courses. Hopefully, you’ll find
something in his 5-step model that’ll help you avoid “the
relationship blues” in the future. The blues best reflects our
frustrations over lost loves, failed relationships, and
especially being alone on Valentine’s Day.
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Life and Music of Mexican Legend
Chavela Vargas
Malinda Lo, January 24, 2005
In the late 1950s and early 1960s in Mexico, singer Chavela
Vargas dressed in men’s clothes, drank and smoked cigars like
any man, carried a gun with her, and was notorious for her love
of women. Some even say that she once kidnapped a woman at
gunpoint, but Vargas denies that rumor. However, she doesn’t
deny that she gained her slight limp from jumping out of a
window because a woman disappointed her in love. If that’s true,
Vargas in her youth was every bit as romantic as the music she
[Read More]
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Vegas Episode Serves Up
Buffet of Lesbian Stereotypes
by Sarah Warn, January 12, 2005
Scary butch lesbians. Oversexed feminine lesbians.
Lesbians who just want to get pregnant. This week's episode of
NBC's drama Las Vegas served up more lesbian stereotypes than
almost any show on network TV this season--but also offered two
lesbians of color, a rarity on network TV.
Episode 37 ("Sperm Whales and Spearmint Rhinos"),
which aired on January 10th, opens with series regular Mike
Cannon (James Lesure), part of the security team for Montecito
Resort and Casino, spying his old college flame Nina (Sharon
Leal, Boston Public) at a craps table. Mike describes Nina to
his co-worker Nessa (Marsha Thomason) as the one who got away,
and Nessa urges him to go up to Nina and say hello, suggesting
he might be able to win her back since "she's not with anyone."
Mike takes her advice and Nina greets him warmly, introduces him
to her two friends, Debbie and Rhona, and then agrees to meet
him for coffee later.
[Read More]
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On FemmeNoir
Los Angeles, California - January 24, 2005 -
Each year the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Media Awards recognizes and honors members of the media for
their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities and
the issues that affect our lives.
This past year was groundbreaking for gays in
Black journalism. From Black churches supporting or opposing gay
marriage to the alarming rise in HIV infection rates among Black
gay and bisexual men, Black journalists tackled issues
considered taboo by many and generated the beginning of an open
and honest dialogue in a community that isn't necessarily
willing or ready to discuss the L, G or H word.
[Read More]
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Los Angeles, California - January 24, 2005 -
Each year the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)
Media Awards recognizes and honors members of the media for
their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities and
the issues that affect our lives.
This past year was groundbreaking for gays in
Black journalism. From Black churches supporting or opposing gay
marriage to the alarming rise in HIV infection rates among Black
gay and bisexual men, Black journalists tackled issues
considered taboo by many and generated the beginning of an open
and honest dialogue in a community that isn't necessarily
willing or ready to discuss the L, G or H word.
A Biography Of Audre Lorde

If you have not read this book, you need to.
Alexis De Veaux does a wonderful job in documenting the life of
this Warrior Poet, Audre Lorde.
OUT-FM recently conducted an interview with
Alexis De Veaux on her new book and the life of Audre Lorde.
Warrior Poet: A Biography of Audre Lorde
- Also featuring...
Jewelle Gomez, award-winning novelist, author
of The Gilda Stories;
Cheryl Clarke, award-winning poet and
short-story writer, author of Humid Pitch; and
James Credle, human rights activist, AIDS
advocate, founder People of All Colors Together.
This OUT-FM broadcast explores the notion De Veaux puts forth
in her biography that there were two lives led by Audre Lorde.
Lorde's first life encompassed her upbringing in a conservative
childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and her transformation
into a gifted poet, mother and teacher - identities which De
Veaux explains evolved "defined by [Lorde's] identity as a
lesbian and by the development of a black lesbian eroticism
within and without her work."
Click here to listen to hour 1 -- (Begins approximately 9
minutes into audio right after Sweet Honey)
Click here to listen to hour 2
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"Love has no color, sex or reason. It’s just
The book signing party for EMPRESSS, written by Playboy
Centerfold & "Out" Lesbian Author Stephanie Adams was a
great success. The party was held at Vela restaurant/lounge and
ended up at Gallery night club in addition to an after party at
the Roxy. The crowd was a gay, lesbian and straight, with a mix
of people in the fashion, film and fiction industries.
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By Jasmyne Cannick
Los Angeles, California - Oct. 7, 2004
When traveling around the country speaking to same gender loving
(SGL) and LGBT communities of African decent about our issues
and strategies, I often remind myself that I am preaching to the
choir. I mean, these people get it. Right? Well, in light of the
recent support for President Bush from prominent Black
ministers, maybe it's time we learn a new song because I think
we need to do better.
Black Couples Have Most at Stake In The Same Sex Marriage
Debate, Census Analysis Shows
"This study disproves the myth that all gay people are
White, wealthy, and have unstable relationships without
children," said Task Force Executive Director, Matt Foreman
New York, October 6, 2004 - A groundbreaking study released
today by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy
Institute and the National Black Justice Coalition shows that
Black lesbian couples are raising children at almost the same
rate as Black married couples, and that Black same-sex couples
raise children at twice the rate of White same-sex couples. They
also earn less, are less likely to own a home, and are more
likely to hold public sector jobs. For all these reasons, Black
same-sex couples have more to gain from the legal protections of
marriage, and more to lose if states pass amendments banning
marriage and other forms of partner recognition.
By: Frances Scott
I remember the day when I knew I was never
letting anybody, including myself, know that I loved girls.
It was a hot summer day. I had just
hugged, kissed, and ran my ten year old hands down Cee’s back
and butt. She felt good to the touch. Only twelve, she had
that hourglass shape, small breast, shoulder length pressed
hair, voluptuous mouth, flat wide nose and the color of tapioca
with a tinge of cinnamon, short waist but with that little
indentation, full hips, short thick thighs and a mini backside.
During the summer I would occasionally get to hug, kiss her
cheek and touch her outer clothed body. Yeah, I still remember
how it was to be ten and free! Little did know, I was about to
find out that people, my people, Black people could be so cruel
to each other for no other reason than…
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Black In A Political Climate
By: Jasmyne Cannick
Last year may have been the year of gay
television, but 2004 has been the year of the Black gay. From
the emerging series Noah's Arc, the first gay television series
targeting and featuring African Americans to the highly debated
issue of gay marriage, long gone are the days of silence around
same gender loving persons in the African American community and
it's about time. However, we need to shape the context and
direction of this discussion in our own community.
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Article and photos: A.D. Odom
United Lesbians of African Heritage (ULOAH), a
Los Angeles based Black lesbian organization held its first
Youth Empowerment Retreat for young women the weekend of August
27, 2004, between the age of 16 to 25. Considering the number of
young people visibly out in high school (or younger), this was a
much needed retreat for young people to come together, exchange
ideas, network, talk, and meet other young women like
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I am back from Atlanta and feeling good. Wow!
Atlanta's pride was so wonderful and the about
southern hospitality. The board and staff of In the Life Atlanta
(ITLA) were fabulous and put on a great pride filled with
substance and not just parties, although there was no shortage
of them.
Because it is a political year and Blacks and gays are being
used as wedge issues, this year's community luncheon for ITLA
discussed gay marriage on the local level (Georgia), the
national level, and where we fit in.
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Black Lesbians Speak On Marriage Equality

On Thursday, the day New Jersey’s governor
proclaimed “I am gay,” and then resigned his position, the
California Supreme Court issued its decision in
Lockyer v. San Francisco (Opinion Nos. S122923 &
S122865) stating city officials exceeded their authority by
issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in defiance of
state law, and ruled to void the 4,000-plus licenses issued in
February of this year.
Though most of the justices agreed, two
dissented from the order that licenses already issued be deemed
invalid. Justices Joyce Kennard and Kathryn Werdegar wrote that
the licenses should have stood at least until the state law's
constitutionality is decided – an issue completely avoided in
Thursday's ruling, and addressed in lawsuits currently working
their way through the court system.
[Read More]
Photo Credit: A.D. Odom. Panelists
from left to right Marquita Thomas (Out & About), Jasmyne
Cannick (National Black Justice Coalition), Sylvia Rhue
(California Freedom to Marry Coalition) and D. Lisa Powell,
United Lesbians of African Heritage (ULOAH).
The event was held at
Cabrini's Spot, a lesbian owned and operated coffee house in
Los Angeles.
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According to Jasmyne, Cleveland's Black gay pride
celebration was a huge success and they have a wonderful close knit community
there. She says she will definitely be back!. Jasmyne was there as a
speaker for their symposium "The State of Black Gay America."
"I was really psyched because my favorite television show, Drew Carey is
based on the city. I ended up staying next door to the fictitious Lauder
Building where Drew works and where they shot the title sequence."
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I began a correspondence with Marquita Thomas about two years
ago via email when she was promoting parties for women under
Isis. Unfortunately, because of Christine's illness, I
was unable to attend her parties but I made a promise to myself
that as soon as I could, I would. Well, finally I
was able to attend one such event, a horseback riding adventure
early one Sunday morning. Having not been on a horse
since — well, we won't go there
— I can say I definitely had a good
time, albeit a little sore afterward. Horseback riding,
paint balling, and private parties are but a few of the events
Marquita Thomas hosts "for the ladies." The
following is an interview with Marquita Thomas as she answers
some of my questions about Out & About and her future plans
"For The Ladies."
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Phill Wilson,
Executive Director of the Black AIDS Institute
I tested HIV positive almost 20
years ago. I was scared and angry, and I struggled with despair
and hopelessness at the news. I never fully believed then that
two decades later I’d still be alive – let alone happy and, all
things considered, in good health. I am living proof that an HIV
positive diagnosis is no longer an automatic death sentence.
So if AIDS is no longer a death
sentence, why are so many Black folks still dying from the
disease? The answer is not enough of us are getting tested
early enough. Taking an HIV test is still an emotionally
charged experience – so much that a third of people who get
tested with standard tests never come back for their results.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates
that 25% of people living with HIV in this country don’t know
their HIV status. They’ve either never been tested or never
found out their test results.
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WSW (Women who have Sex
with other Women):
What You Don’t Know Can KILL You!
By: Claire J. Griffin, LCSW
has been a reality in our lives for over 20 years and during
this time women as a gender group are still being
excluded from information regarding not only prevention but also
treatment and its effect on our bodies. Women continue to be
treated as a monolithic community, with one woman being equal to
all women even as it relates to our sexual practices, sexual
orientations (not preferences), race/ethnicity,
and the ills we live with and battle through each day. The
simple truth is that we are a diverse community sharing only
the commonality that we identify as WOMYN.* (empowerment
spelling) There are some of you who may already know that
HIV/AIDS impacts and effects us differently than men, however if
we are to improve the quality of our lives and that of our
children (should we elect to have them), then we must educate
ourselves as well as those who seek to treat us because what
you don’t know can kill you!
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“Laurinda Brown’s poignant tales of everyday life in both
the heterosexual and homosexual communities are definitely
stories that we want to keep coming.” - Sable Magazine
A native of Memphis, TN, and a graduate of
Howard University’s English Department, Laurinda believes in
divine destiny. Saying, “It was time for me to do what God
put me here to do,” she turned her back on corporate America
in order to complete the book that she knew was inside her. That
book evolved into a four-year labor of love that she eventually
entitled UnderCover. “When you do what your passion is – your
passion being what God gave you the zest and talent to do – the
rest falls into place."
A full-time grant and policy writer who
currently resides with her two daughters in Hampton Roads,
Virginia, Laurinda D. Brown writes about life…not lifestyles.
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other night, while sitting in my driveway, I made a spontaneous
change in plans. Instead of driving to one of the pick up
locations to board a bus for the Michael Jackson “Keep the
Faith Caravan,” I chose to drive the 150 plus miles up to
Santa Maria alone. Yeah, this little squirrel may just well be a
nut, but not only did I not trust going up with a bus load of
people I didn't know, which would not have been a bad thing, I
just had some reservations that I might end up being used to
make signs or cover the event from a very one-sided perspective
-- I hate not having the freedom to go and do what I want to go
and do. Since I had troubling reservations about this, I had to
trust my gut on this one. Next time I probably will catch a bus
-- if they have one -- which will allow me to gather
perspectives from others or make some connections. For now, I
wanted my first solo outing covering a news event to be a
personal one.
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By Jasmyne Cannick
Barely Breaking Even Productions (BBE Productions), a division of Bamboo Media, has
embarked upon a three-prong project to include a documentary
film, a photography book and a photo-text exhibit. The project
is a collaboration between journalist and publicist Jasmyne Cannick
and long time activist and writer Charlotte M. Young “My personal
goal is to incite the black family to start talking more openly
about sexual orientation and I believe that once we see the
diversity of gay people and hear their stories, this in itself
will help to combat homophobia in the black community and more
specifically in the black church,” comments Young.
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Trip To Nia With Christine
Article and Photos By Gayle Fuhr
There was a beautiful alter set up and so on the first night
when we were asked to say our name and where we were from, I did
and I mentioned that I had brought a very big Nia supporter with
me, Christine. I asked if I could place her urn on the alter for
the weekend and leave her there until we were ready to have a
ceremony for her on Sunday. I was asked to bring Christine’s
ashes with me the next morning for the opening ceremony and was
asked to talk about her. My first reaction was that there are so
many women here who knew her so much longer than I and maybe
they should speak. I was told that I was entrusted with her and
so it would be more appropriate for me to do so.
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of a Black Lesbian Planet
Samiya Bashir
"It's the big pink elephant in the middle
of the room. Everyone knows it's there
— and we quietly tiptoe around it, afraid that even
acknowledging its existence would throw off the delicate balance
that exists in our pretending it isn't standing there, grazing
on our avoidance. If we do choose to look at the elephant's
skin, we see that she carries the tattoos of racial division —
exclusion, nasty feelings, words, and actions, the unspoken
rules of separation.
Black lesbians trying to find out who we are
both as women of color and as lesbians find the invisible wall
we bump up against while trying to find access into the lesbian
community even harder to bear. White women may feel equally
bruised by a situation where they don't feel they are being
exclusionary at all. Some black women, reeling from accusations
of being overly sensitive, question whether or not we are just
imagining foul play.
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Revolution Will Not Be Televised -- Thoughts on the Election
Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, I was visiting my
mother in a foreign land, her home, where she lived. In the
dream, I found my thoughts and words were somehow heard from
behind the closed doors and windows of her house. This country
where she lived was one you had to conform, you had to think as
they thought, you had to live as they lived and somehow, I drew
attention to my mother’s house by my thoughts. At one point in
the dream, a helicopter swooped down near her home and flew,
very slowly, past her window. My mother said “they heard you.”
I was astonished that my thoughts could be heard not only from
outside my body, but from within her home. I felt a foreboding
feeling envelop me – this is not freedom, I thought, this is
oppression. Just because someone has feelings that oppose the
current system should not be cause for attack. I awoke wanting
to leave my mother’s house and her country.
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By Alicia Banks
I am very proud of every person who voted last
Tuesday, even if we all did so in vain. I know that millions of
voters, of all races and classes, were denied a chance to vote.
They were deliberately sabotaged by incompetence, error, and
evil nationwide.
And, unlike in 2000, when the exact same voter
abuses were exposed en masse, in 2002 all national news agencies
decided to simply ignore these travesties. Millions of us are
reading about voter outrage and municipal lawsuits in our local
papers. But, this news will appear nowhere else....
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Washington Blade
distinguished group of gay and lesbian writers of African
descent gather, and in the very act of doing so find themselves
making a political statement
FOR ABOUT FOUR years now Lisa C. Moore, the
founder of RedBone Press, the only black lesbian publishing
house in the U.S., and a handful of friends in her literary
circle have been talking about sponsoring a national conference
for gay writers of African descent.
The conversations traditionally unfolded after they left
OutWrite, a now-defunct national lesbian and gay writers'
conference held in Boston. While OutWrite gatherings would
attract as many as 900 gay writers, Moore and a close colleague,
poet and writer G. Winston James, said it was a mostly white
crowd and issues of concern to many black writers there were
often overlooked.
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The Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame

The Chicago Gay and Lesbian
Hall of Fame is both a historic event and an exhibit. through
the Hall of Fame, residents of Chicago and the world are made
aware of the contributions of Chicago's lesbian and gay
community and the community's efforts to eradicate homophobic
bias and discrimination.
With the support of the City
of Chicago Commission on Human Relations, the Advisory Council
on Gay and Lesbian Issues established the Chicago Gay and
Lesbian Hall of Fame in June 1991. The inaugural induction
ceremony took place during
Gay and Lesbian Pride Week at City Hall, hosted by Mayor
Richard M. Daley. This was the first event of its kind in the
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Passing The Torch
What is Activism?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines 'Activism' as "a
doctrine or policy of advocating energetic action", and an
'Activist' as "an advocate of activism". The Random House
Dictionary furthers the definition of 'Activism', defining it as
an "involvement as a means of achieving political or other
goals, sometimes by demonstrations, protests, etc.".
Much can be learned at the feet of an
activist; those who
have walked the walk and talked the talk. The following
are men and women, straight and gay who have been in the trenches of activism, have
suffered the wounds and who have enjoyed the libations of
success. They are presented here for you to hear their
words and be inspired. You may consider yourself one
person, but one person can inspire many people, or many nations.
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for Straight Women
by Sonya Shields
Sonya Shields is an African American lesbian, who came out ten
years ago while living in Washington, DC. Within a few years of
her coming out, she took a position with the National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force. For over six years, she held a senior
position within the organization, joined several national
boards, and participated in other community activities. But
despite her professional career as an activist working to
achieve social justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people, she settled for affairs and relationships
with too many straight women. This is her story.
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View: Native Americans
Sex and Spirit: Native
American Lesbian Identity
Native American and First Nations
lesbians have to deal with unique issues as a result of their
history, cultural status, and perceptions as Natives. They come
out of a history of genocide; their people have been persecuted,
killed, kidnapped, and assimilated for hundreds of years and
still face lingering aspects of genocide. They face homophobia
and sexism from their own people; racism from lesbians; and
racism, homophobia, and sexism from the dominant society, not to
mention the classism many Native Americans have to deal with.
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The assumption of many straight friends of
mine is that lesbians and gays do not have long-term
relationships. When pressed, they often paint
stereotypical images of gay men in bath houses, women in prison,
or, when they have run out of things to say, they continue with
"these relationships are destined to fail." Really?
I have been fortunate enough to know women who
have been in monogamous relationships for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and
40+ years. I knew one couple who had been together through
their marriages to men, helped each other raise their children,
attended the funeral of one husband, and when I left Chicago in
1990, were still together. They referred to each other as
"special friends."
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