National HIV Testing Day Is June
27, 2004
Phill Wilson,
Executive Director of the Black AIDS Institute
I tested HIV positive almost 20
years ago. I was scared and angry, and I struggled with despair
and hopelessness at the news. I never fully believed then that
two decades later I’d still be alive – let alone happy and, all
things considered, in good health. I am living proof that an HIV
positive diagnosis is no longer an automatic death sentence.
So if AIDS is no longer a death
sentence, why are so many Black folks still dying from the
disease? The answer is not enough of us are getting tested
early enough. Taking an HIV test is still an emotionally
charged experience – so much that a third of people who get
tested with standard tests never come back for their results.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates
that 25% of people living with HIV in this country don’t know
their HIV status. They’ve either never been tested or never
found out their test results.
To our credit, Blacks are
actually getting tested -- but still not often enough, or soon
enough. More than half of Black people are diagnosed with AIDS
within a year of testing HIV positive. Those people are not only
missing out on the opportunity to receive treatment that could
prolong their lives and keep them healthier (you can’t get
treated, if you don’t know you are infected), but they could be
unknowingly infecting their partners as well.
I think there are two things at
work that keep us from finding out our HIV status early in the
course of infection. The first is that those of us who are at
risk for HIV either don’t know or don’t believe that we could
become infected, so we never get tested. The same basic
guidelines apply to us as any other group on this point – if
you are sexually active and you are not in an absolutely
mutually monogamous relationship (with a person who is not
infected with HIV), or if you inject drugs or have sex with
someone who does, you are at risk. It’s as simple as that.
Now, read the above line again and do an honest assessment of
your behavior and sexual and drug using history. Do you need to
get tested for HIV?
The second factor is the
ongoing stigma in our neighborhoods and communities that being
tested for HIV mean you’ve done something wrong. We have to make
regular HIV testing a routine part of our health care, whether
at a doctor’s office or through a free community or health
department program. We cannot make people feel they must go to
another zip code or even state to get an HIV test, because far
too many people will just avoid going altogether.
Getting tested for HIV has
never been easier, faster or more convenient. New rapid HIV
tests can give you a highly accurate answer in as few as 20
minutes, using only a small finger prick of blood, similar to a
sugar test, and frequently at no cost to you. If you prefer, you
can also get or-al or urine test results back in about a week.
Soon, there will even be a rapid oral HIV test.
But because new testing
technologies don’t matter if we don’t use them, more regular and
more widespread HIV testing is critical. You may have heard me
say that before, but I’m going to keep saying it until everybody
When I went out with the Ladies
First tour earlier this spring and raffled off concert tickets
to thousands of folks who had been tested, I saw some powerful
examples of Black people who are changing the way their family
and friends think about HIV. Moms and daughters came and were
tested together. So did groups of young adults, sorority sisters
and pick-up teams. This is a sign of important progress.
I’m also especially gratified
to see how many community groups and black-owned businesses are
teaming up for National HIV Testing Day, on June 27, to sponsor
special outreach in Black communities. In
the local chapter of the National Council of Negro Women will
hold an event with live performances and carnival games as well
as HIV and
testing and counseling. The National Urban League Young
Professionals are doing a national day of service with AIDS
groups on June 26. At the Kansas City Urban Expo, health
officials are teaming up with the B-Boy film festival. And
because Testing Day is on a Sunday this year, many places of
worship, such as the Upper Room Bible Church in New Orleans,
will be offering testing and counseling after services.
Black-owned media have also
contributed coverage and free advertising to this effort. And I
am happy to announce that Magic Johnson–owned movie theaters
across the country will be running public service announcements
about testing and in some cases offering incentives to get
tested. You can call the CDC’s HIV testing hotline at
800-342-2437 or go to
www.hivtest.org to find out where and when you can get
tested. You can also learn more about HIV at the Black AIDS
Institute website,
HIV testing is free, painless,
quick, confidential and easy. So, no more excuses! Knowing
your HIV status can save your life and the lives of your loved
ones. Hey, I have an idea. After you get tested, write me
and let me know how it went. I look forward to hearing from
you. Conquering the fear and stigma around such seemingly
simple efforts as getting an HIV test will not happen overnight,
but working together we can do something to help – we can get
tested in our community, for our community.

Black AIDS Institute
1833 W. 8th St, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90057-4257
Tel: 213-353-3610
Fax: 213-989-0181

Phill Wilson - Video Interview
AIDS Activist Phill Wilson Talks About
Fighting AIDS and Urban Myths in the African-American
Originally conducted by Black Entertainment Television.
[View Video] |