Lesbian Lovers
The assumption of many straight friends of
mine is that lesbians and gays do not have long-term
relationships. When pressed, they often paint
stereotypical images of gay men in bath houses, women in prison,
or, when they have run out of things to say, they continue with
"these relationships are destined to fail." Really?
I have been fortunate enough to know women who
have been in monogamous relationships for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and
40+ years. I knew one couple who had been together through
their marriages to men, helped each other raise their children,
attended the funeral of one husband, and when I left Chicago in
1990, were still together. They referred to each other as
"special friends."
On the topic of special friends, like
Alice Dunbar-Nelson,
there are many bisexual women who have maintained equally
committed and lengthy relationships. In my early 20s,
many, many, moons ago, I attended several parties thrown by
women for women who were married or, for whatever reasons, could
not be OUT and were living public lives as wives, mothers, and
executives. I had the pleasure of meeting a couple
at one of these parties who had been together for a little over
five years. Their husbands (how they met) had
parted ways long ago when they changed jobs, but these two women
maintained their "special friendship" and cared very much for
each other. Two beautiful women who loved kissing
each other.
For those of you at the six-month, one-year,
of four-year marker in your relationship, take heart.
FemmeNoir presents Famous Lesbian Lovers in History. The
links below will take you to photos and some very brief bios of
these loving couples.
Mary Renault and Julie Mullard- Together 50+
Jane Rule and Helen Sonthoff- Together 42 years
Natalie Barney and Romaine Brooks- 50 years
Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas- Together 40
years (buried together in Pere Lachaise Cemetary in France)
Mary Wooley and Jeannette Marks- Together 52
Tiny Davis and Ruby Lucas (jazz musicians)- 42
years and counting...
Lillian Foster and Mabel Hampton- 41 years
Grace Hutchins (1885-1969)and Anna Rochester
More than 45 years
Alice James and Katharine Loring- (1880-1892)
12 years
Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok- 30 years
Ruth Ellis and Cecine "Babe" Franklin- 30 years
Gaye Adegbablola and Suzanne Moe- 9 years
Rachel Carson and Dorothy Freeman- friends for
12 years
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Other Articles of Interest
Lesbian Couples and Friends: Is There Enough Love to Go Around?
by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist
(originally published in Siren, Aug/Sept 1999)
Why is it that lesbians can neglect or forget
their friends when they get into a relationship? Whether it's
the quality and intensity of our friendships that change, or the
fact that we no longer make new friends, or that we rarely meet
with friends independent of our partners, it always seems to
happen once we're involved with someone.
Granted, after being in a relationship, our needs and interests
change. Some lesbians want to connect with other couples or
develop mutual friends. Some feel satisfied that their emotional
needs are met by their partners. Others feel that their
relationships demand a lot from them emotionally, leaving them
less to offer to friends. While all of these are reasons to make
some shifts, they don't compensate for the loss of a trusted
friend. Or the independence and closeness that can be gained by
hanging out with your own friends.
By the numbers -- Census 2000 was the most accurate federal
accounting of gay Americans ever—but was it enough?
By Lee Condon
From The Advocate, September 25, 2001
Census 2000 may be best remembered as the gay
census. For the first time, federal head-counters made a real
effort to enumerate gay and lesbian households. As the data were
released—four or five states a time—the numbers made the front
pages of newspapers in big cities and small towns throughout the
country. Although single gays and lesbians were left out of the
count, demographers say the tally of 1.2 million same-sex
“unmarried partners” is the result of the most substantial
polling ever to be done of gays and lesbians in America.
While a study commissioned by the gay lobby group the Human
Rights Campaign estimates that Census 2000 undercounted gay and
lesbian couples by a huge 62%, the data nevertheless show that
gays and lesbians are living in 99.3% of all counties in the
United States.
National Survey of Lesbian & Gay Couples
Summary of Results
© 1995, Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples
In the fall of 1988, this major survey was
undertaken to develop an accurate portrait of lesbian and gay
couples in America. Survey forms were circulated through gay
churches and community centers, but most couples requested the
forms after reading notices in the gay press. Partners Magazine
for Gay & Lesbian Couples and Out/Look (both now discontinued)
and a few gay newspapers published the survey itself. Data was
collected through fall 1989. The entire project was developed
and conducted by Steve Bryant and Demian, Ed.D., co-directors of
Partners Task Force For Gay & Lesbian Couples.
Survey Excerpt
© 1995,
Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples
Women Men
Average years 4.9 6.9
Relationships averaged nearly six years in length for all couples,
even though the average respondent was only 35 years old.
More than 100 couples had passed their 15th anniversary.
One lesbian relationship had spanned 43 years, and three male
couples had lasted more than 40 years. 19% of lesbian couples
and 13% of male couples had been together one year or less.
Women(%) Men(%)
None 32 38
One 26 33
Two 23 18
Three 10 7
Four 4 3
Five or more 5 1
Average number 1.52 1.07
Women (%) Men (%)
None 1 2
1 year 8 20
2 years 12 22
3 years 10 13
4 years 11 10
5 years 10 9
6 years 8 4
7 years 6 4
8 years 5 4
9 years 5 2
10 years 7 3
11-15 years 12 4
16 or more 6 2
Average yrs 6.6 4.2
Women(%) Men(%)
Friends 28 19
Work 21 7
Social event 16 13
School* 9 3
Bar 4 22
Religious event 4 7
Political event 4 4
Support group* 3 2
Park/public space* 2 6
Classified ad 2 6
Baths/cruising* <1 5
Other 5 6
* write-in response
Women(%) Men(%)
Gay/lesbian 93 97
Bisexual 7 3
Click Here to Read the Full Survey
Hot Topic:

A big Thank You to
Girls In The Night for this flyer entitled
"Lust For Women"
It truly made my day!

Jane Rule and
Helen Sonthoff
50+ Years

Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas
40 Years
(Buried Together)

Mary Wooley and Jeannette Marks
52 Years

Grace Hutchins
and Anna Rochester
45 Years

Tiny Davis and
Ruby Lucas
42 Years

Eleanor Roosevelt
and Lorena Hickok
30 Years

Ruth Ellis and
30 Years