General Resources On
The Net....
AIDS Organizations |
Entertainment |
Faith-Based Orgs |
Lesbian Aging |
Lesbian Orgs |
Research |
Social Groups |
Sororities |
Women's Health |
AIDS Organizations
African American AIDS Policy and Training Institute
and the AIDS Social Policy Archive of the University of Southern
California. (
AAAPTI's work is to provide community-based training and policy
support to African Americans committed to ending the AIDS
crisis. AAAPTI publishes a monthly newsletter, Kujisource (which
is available online as well), and runs the African American HIV
The Balm in Gilead (
The Balm In Gilead is the only organization in the United States
dedicated exclusively to empowering churches in the struggle
against the devastation of HIV/AIDS in the Black community. The
Balm In Gilead's pioneering achievements have enabled thousands
of churches to become leaders in preventing HIV by providing
comprehensive educational programs and offering compassionate
support to encourage those infected to seek and maintain
Minority AIDS Project
The Minority AIDS Project (MAP) is the first community-based
HIV/AIDS organization established and managed by people of color
in the United States. It was founded in 1985 by Bishop Carl Bean
and members of the Unity Fellowship Church.
MAP's service and educational programs are community-wide and
available to all people. However, from the beginning, the
primary focus of our services and outreach has been the
African-American and Latino communities in Central and South
Central Los Angeles. MAP's mission is to reduce suffering and
deaths due to HIV infection in the African-American and Latino
communities by making HIV/AIDS-related health service and
education available and accessible to them. Until the doors
opened at Minority AIDS Project, these communities had little or
no real access to preventative education and essential health
care services.
National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (
NNAAPC Prevention Services provides capacity building and
training to American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian
tribes, organizations, agencies, and communities, and to those
who serve these populations. Capacity building includes both
targeted, individualized assistance designed to help Native
American communities develop successful HIV and other
sexually-transmitted diseases prevention programs that work, as
well as regionally-based training. NNAAPC offers consultation on
organizational development, program evaluation, needs
assessment, financial management, training in grantsmanship and
other capacity building activities.
NNAAPC also provides assistance and training specifically to
support the HIV Prevention Community Planning process. Please
see additional information on the Community Planning Leadership
Orientation Training (CPLOT). Inquiries concerning
capacity-building assistance in community planning may be
directed to Vince Sanabria at:
National Minority AIDS Council
The National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC), established in 1987,
is the premier national organization dedicated to developing
leadership within communities of color to address the challenge
Sisterlove (
SisterLove, Inc., founded in July of 1989, can trace it's
beginnings to a volunteer group of women interested in educating
Atlanta, and especially communities of women, about AIDS
prevention, self-help and safer sex techniques.
With a personal understanding of the barriers that kept women
out of the forefront of HIV/AIDS education and treatment, Dázon
Dixon Diallo initiated a collaboration with a local women's
organization to improve access for all women and especially
those of color. In 1987, the Women's AIDS Prevention Project (WAPP)
was formed.
In 1989, the lack of support for WAPP inspired Ms. Diallo to
found SisterLove Women's AIDS Project with the help of WAPP's
women of color advisory board. Three years later, in 1992, the
organization's name was officially changed to SisterLove,
The dedication and compassion of countless women and men have
contributed to SisterLove's stability and growth. Our very
existence is a reflection of the women who have shared their
struggles and their wisdom with other women in the name of love
and survival. We will continue to draw upon the energy of our
sisters' and brothers' contributions and will remain steadfast
in the struggle to combat HIV/AIDS. Our commitment is to the
lives of women. Our fight is for the future beyond their lives.
TPAN (Test Positive Aware Network) (
-- Welcome to, the website of Test Positive Aware
Network (TPAN), proud publishers of Positively Aware
magazine. Now in our thirteenth year, TPAN continues to grow and
evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of those affected by HIV
and AIDS. This site, like our programs and services, is designed
to provide the information and support necessary to allow people
with HIV to retain control over their lives. We invite you to
read on, and welcome any comments or suggestions you may have to
help us all to remain "Committed to Living."
Entertainment / Film / Music
Montage Entertainment, Inc.
was founded and incorporated as a non-profit organization in
1997 to eliminate societal prejudice and discrimination and
improve overall social welfare by promoting diversity in the
filmed entertainment industry. Montage seeks to create more
opportunities for women, people of color and other
underrepresented groups both behind and in front of the
camera. The organization supports films and filmmakers,
providing emerging writers, directors, actors, and crew with
hands-on training in film production. In addition to teaching
practical skills needed to advance in the entertainment
business, Montage attempts to create a network of support while
focusing on the importance of creating film content with greater
balance and variation in portrayals of women, people of color
and other underrepresented groups.
Reel Sisters of The Diaspora offers
workshops and panels on such topics as financing film projects,
documentary filmmaking, screenwriting and exploring new
technology and distribution options. Established in 1998, Reel
Sisters is one the first Brooklyn-based film conferences
committed to highlighting the borough as a leading media center
for women of color working in film and the visual arts.
Conference proceeds are donated to women of color filmmakers who
are enrolled in professional organizations that promote
diversity. View
Looking Back...1999
Looking Back...2000
for information of past events.
Sisters in Cinema (
gives voice to African American women directors and serves to
illuminate a history
has remained hidden for too long. Here you will find information
on inspiring women filmmakers such as Tressie Souders, Zora
Neale Hurston, Madame C.J. Walker, Maya Angelou, Madeline
Anderson, Kathleen Collins Prettyman, Darnell Martin, Kasi
Lemmons and Julie Dash.
Yvonne Welbon
has been researching and writing a dissertation on the
subject of African American women directors since 1997. It is
her intention that this site becomes one of many records
documenting African American women within
Faith Based Orgs
Unity Fellowship Church
If you are looking for a church home that is rooted in
spirituality and not in religion, one that celebrates all of
God's diverse creation, please feel free to come and worship
with us. At Unity Fellowship Church, we know that God created us
just like we are . . . Black, White, Latino, Native American,
Asian . . . gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, intersexed,
or straight. Whether your background is Baptist, COGIC,
Apostolic, Catholic, AME, Buddhist, Agnostic, Atheist, etc., you
are welcome!
House of Concern (
What We Believe: House of Concern has two tenets: the absolute
right of freedom of religion and to do that which is right to
care for people and promote social justice for all. Anything
else within the law is allowed. Each person is free to follow
any path as long as it does not infringe on the rights of
Christian Lesbians (
This site is called rather than for an intentional reason and that's
because I believe Jesus and our life of faith comes before
anything else in our lives. It's what shapes the way we live
each day, what governs the choices we make, and what affects our
vision as we look out upon the world and deep within ourselves.
I happen to be a lesbian but I have made the deliberate decision
to follow Jesus Christ and it's a decision I have never and will
never regret.
Lesbian Aging
Classic Dykes
Established in 1998 as 'the cyber home for lesbians in
midlife and beyond',
Classic Dykes
has grown into an inclusive online community for mature lesbians
Dykes Online is the cyber-network for lesbians in midlife and
beyond. The web site features resources for mature lesbians
including resources for women questioning their sexual
orientation or coming out as lesbian in later life.
Classic Dykes Online was created by a
late bloomer to increase the visibility of midlife and old
lesbians on the internet. The web site is updated monthly.

The Lesbian and Gay Aging Issues Network (LGAIN)
works to raise awareness about the concerns of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) elders and about the unique
barriers they encounter in gaining access to housing,
healthcare, long-term care and other needed services.
LGAIN seeks to foster professional
development, multidisciplinary research and wide-ranging
dialogue on LGBT issues in the field of aging through
publications, conferences, and cosponsored events. LGAIN
welcomes the participation of all concerned individuals
regardless of age, sexual orientation or gender identity.
List of Articles on Aging:
Web Guide:

-- Senior Action in Gay Environment
16th floor
305 Seventh Avenue @ 28th Street
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212)-741-2247
SAGE, or Senior Action in a Gay
Environment, was founded in 1977 and is the nation's oldest and
largest social service and advocacy organization dedicated to
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) senior citizens.
The SAGE administrative offices
are located in New York City at 305 Seventh Avenue near 28th
Street on the 16th floor in the heart of the garment district.
SAGE serves LGBT seniors in all five boroughs of the city. SAGE
also maintains a drop-in center in the "West Village."
Additionally, SAGE is the founder
of a nationwide network of local organizations for LGBT seniors
called Sagenet.
SAGE maintains a full time staff
during normal business hours (eastern time) and can be reached
via or (212)-741-2247.
Seniors: The Ruth Ellis Senior Project
This project was named after Ruth Ellis the oldest "out" African
American lesbian, who was Born July 23, 1899, in Springfield,
Illinois, and died in 2000.
An estimated 35 million people (roughly 13%) of the U.S.
population are age 65 or older. Experts estimate that between
1.75 and 3.5 million Americans ages 65 and over are gay,
lesbian, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). Research further
suggests that LGBT individuals are more likely to live in urban
areas and that the largest cities have an especially high
concentration of LGBT seniors. Since estimates indicate that
within the next 30 years the number of seniors over the age of
65 will grow by 30%, it follows that the community of older LGBT
adults will grow exponentially as well.
is headed by
Brenda Crawford,
Executive Director
(email: and is a Progressive
Research and Training for Action (PRTA) program founded in
Oakland, California, in 1990, as the nonprofit Pacific Research
and Training Alliance. The founders were staff and constituents
of Berkeley Planning Associates. Through performing research in
the social sciences, our founders identified the importance of
bringing research to the level of service provision where
information could best be utilized.
Our Living Out
Loud project became a highly innovative and national replicated
prevention project that combined direct services for female
adolescents with disabilities and demonstration research. The
federal Center for Substance Abuse Prevention funded the project
with a five-year grant in 1994. Young women in the Bay Area with
physical, learning, and other disabilities were paired with
adult role models and participated in life skills training in
order to build self-esteem, and, ultimately, resiliency to
substance abuse. The girls blossomed and took on new projects,
such as creating a video about their experiences. Research
showed that the model was highly successful.
Given our strong
track record with technical assistance, we wanted to build on
lessons learned from Living Out Loud by helping a variety of
health, education, justice, and other programs to better serve
youth with disabilities. To this end, we created
A Healthy
Future for Youth with Disabilities in 2000 with a three-year
grant from The California Endowment. The project fills a
long-neglected gap in services by offering seminars, referrals,
trainings, and program assessments to organizations in the Bay
PRTA is now moving rapidly into a
new expansion phase. We are building on our strengths and areas
of expertise to become the premiere national technical
assistance, capacity building, and research organization for the
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and disability communities.

Griot Circle -- gri ot (gre-o,
gre'o, gre'ot) n. A storyteller in western Africa who
perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or
@ the YWCA
30 Third Avenue, Rm. 202
Brooklyn, NY 11217
718-246-2572, fax
Executive Director: Regina Shavers
A gathering of Elders, we are an
intergenerational and culturally diverse community based
organization, which is responsive to the realities of the lives
of older lesbians, bisexuals, gay men, two-spirit and
transgender persons of color.
Our Goal is to maintain a safe space for these Elders, provide
emotional support and quality programming, which affirms age,
gender, racial, spriritual and ethnic origins. The Griot Circle
is committed to honoring and preserving our histories and
traditions, to reuniting the parts of ourselves that have been
fragmented by racism and homophobia. While our policies are
inclusive, and everyone is welcome, this is a safe space made
specifically cuturally comfortable for gay Elders, of all
colors, over the age of fifty where they and their friends can
enjoy each others company.
Why our own space?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender elders
suffer greater isolation, discrimination than the general senior
Lesbian, Gay, bisexual and transgender seniors
are five times less likey than other seniors to access needed
services because they fear discrimination
60% of the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender
live alone, as compared to 40% of the general elderly population
Only 25% of LGBT seniors have surviving children
who can provide caretaking services, as compared to 75% of the
general elderly population
Very few LGBT's of color are included in this
research or surveys, however we do know that when racism,
poverty are added to this mix the results are synergistic.

Old Lesbians Organizing for Change
P. O. Box 980422
Houston, TX 77098
OLOC is a national organization of regional
groups for lesbians 60 and over with a national leadership
centered in the OLOC Steering Committee.
We are committed to empowering old lesbians
in the common struggle to:
ageism within our
own and the larger community
who we are and name
our oppression
our experience of
ageism by sharing our individual stories
and disseminate
educational material
formation of new
groups and stimulate existing groups to confront ageism
our presence a
visible force in the women's movement and in the lesbian
We celebrate our differences and affirm our
Ageism is a
Social Disease
It is
to consider
"young" a compliment, "old" a derogatory synonym for ugly,
decrepit, out-of-date. ("You don't look your age.")
speak/do for an old lesbian instead of letting her
speak/do for herself, and to assume she needs help.
- to
view an old lesbian
either as a burden or a role model, rather than as an equal
with whom a reciprocal relationship is desirable.
- to
patronize a courageous old lesbian by trivializing
her anger as "feistiness." (Would you call Superman "feisty"?)
- to
categorize an
outspoken old lesbian as "complaining," "difficult," or
- to
assume automatically that an old lesbian is
- to
be unsupportive of an old lesbian looking for a
partner, or disrespectful of an old lesbian's choice to be
to confront ageist
remarks because they are "not really meant that way."
Lesbian Orgs
African Ancestral Lesbians United for
Societal Change (AALUSC)
Associate Director AALUSC: Collette Carter
(formerly Salsa Soul Sisters)
Mailing address: 111 east 14th street PMB# 109, NY, NY 10003
Voicemail: 718-596-0342 Ext. 32
AALU, unless noted otherwise meets every
Thursday from 6pm - 8:00pm at The LGBT Center located at 208
West 13th Street.
Our weekly group meetings are designed to
provide lesbians of African descent a space to engage in
networking, empowering discussions, provide resources and
referrals for our needs, create a stronger lesbians of African
Diaspora community and to education ourselves about ourselves
and the world.
Take the A/C/E or 1/2/3/9 trains to the 14th Street station,
walk to 13th street, The Center is located on 13th Street
between 7th and 8th avenues.
Affinity -- Chicago
Affinity is a six year not-for-profit organization which
currently serves black lesbian, bisexual women, transgendered
women, and lesbigay youth of African descent. Affinity was
created out of the dearth of resources available to these
communities on the south side of Chicago. Affinity has become a
viable part of the Chicago community.
Black Lesbian Support Group (
The Black Lesbian Support Group (BLSG) was established in 1990
to provide a positive medium through which Black Lesbians may
communicate with each other. BLSG offers supportive services and
interaction in the Lesbian and Gay community. BLSG strives to
increase the visibility of black lesbians in the Lesbian and Gay
community. BLSG is a non-profit organization funded through the
Lesbian Services Program of the Whitman-Walker Clinic in
Washington DC. BLSG is rapidly growing and expanding. Our goal
is to reach as many Black lesbians as there are in the
Washington-DC Metropolitan area. Check out their
Calendar of
Ongoing Events for BLSG
Women in the Life
Party -- 1st Fri of Every Month
-- 10pm - 3am
Hung Jury: 1819 H St. NW (19th & Penn), Washington DC
Admission: $10 (must be 21 and up w/ valid ID)
Ginger's Groove
Presents - A Touch of Class For Women -- Every
Thursday, 10pm - 2:30pm
Club Onyx (formerly E'lan): 1129 Pennsylvania Avenue S.E.,
Washington DC 20003
202-737-0288 (Capital Hill Area) - Music by: DJ Mandrill
Admission: $7
Women In The Life
Open Mic Poetry - 2nd Tuesday of Every Month
Women In The Life Offices: 1623 Conn. Ave. NW (rear carriage
house), Washington DC, 202-483-9818 -- No Cover Ever
BAR NUN - Every Sunday, 6:45
p.m.-12:30 a.m. - Dancing - Lower Level, KARAOKE - Upper Level
(beginning Sept 2) -- Doors open 6:45 p.m., KARAOKE begins 8:30
Bar Nun: U St N.W. (between 14th and 13th streets),
Washington D.C.
Cover $5.00
Loving People Like Us Inc. presents:
Chocolate Bar -- Every Saturday, 21 and older, 11PM -
VICKIs: 1928 9th St NW (9th and U), Washington DC
Admission: $7 before Midnight $10 After
Nia Collective (
The NIA Collective exists to create and provide a safe and
healthy environment for the growth and empowerment of Lesbians
of African Descent. Nia sponsors a gathering/retreat every year
in Northern California.
Purple Diamonds (
Purple Diamonds is a Premier and Exclusive organization that
designs Special Events and Group Trips geared to the Interest
and needs of African American, Latina and Women of Color who
celebrate life.
Purple Diamonds was actually started in March of 1994 as a
Women’s Travel Group, offering Women of Color the opportunity
travel together in a group setting and visit “gay user friendly”
properties and destinations. We travel in Grand Style 2-3 times
per year, only staying at top rated *4 and *5 Star properties
Sistanet (
The SistahNet web page and mailing list is for lesbian,
bi-sexual, bi-curious and transgendered women of African descent
aged 18 and older. It is a place to learn, expand, share
experiences and explore a full range of emotions from tears to
laughter. Whether you sit on the porch and listen awhile or just
want to talk -- wipe your feet off and pull up a chair!
In March, 1989, a group of Black women convened to plan a Black
Lesbian conference which would be infused with women's energy
and spirit. Through our work together, a new vision evolved: a
vision of an organization for Black lesbians based on principles
of sisterhood and empowerment.
In August 1990, ULOAH was born, conceived from the dreams and
struggles of many strong women who have gone before us and held
in trust for those who will come after us. ULOAH sponsors
Sistafest, a gathering/retreat held every year in Southern
ZAMI, Inc. is a not-for-profit collective of lesbians of African
descent residing in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. Our primary
mission is the procurement and dispensation of scholarship funds
to lesbians of African descent attending an accredited post
secondary institution in the southern part of the United States.
We also provide a forum and affirming safe space for the voices
of lesbian writers of color. Finally, ZAMI sponsors special
programming to develop the leadership potential of young
lesbians and to honor the life and legacy of Audre Lorde.
Zuna Institute (
In 1999, Zuna Institute was born at the kitchen table of sistahs
who believe that the black lesbian community can benefit from a
national presence. The discussion focused on creating an
organization that would advocate on behalf of black lesbian's on
a national level. While it is apparent that Black Lesbians
across the country are doing the grassroots work to improve the
quality of our lives, Zuna wants to build on this work by
creating an organization that would advocate our position on
issues on a national level. The founders also want to bridge the
gap between geographically dispersed organizations and
communities to provide a vehicle where we can join forces to
become a more visible national community.

The Lesbian Herstory Archives of New York
City, (
the largest and oldest Lesbian archive in the world, began in
1973 as an outgrowth of a Lesbian consciousness-raising group at
the Gay Academic Union. The founders were concerned about the
failure of mainstream publishers, libraries, archives, and
research institutions to value Lesbian culture. It became
obvious that the only way to insure the preservation of Lesbian
culture and history was to establish an independent archives
governed by Lesbians.
In 1974, the planning began. In 1976 they became a working
reality when the Lesbian Herstory Archives opened in the pantry
of Joan Nestle's and Deborah Edel's Upper West Side apartment.
They became the coordinators and began the collection with their
personal papers and books. As word spread, other individuals and
organizations began sending materials. Mabel Hampton, who died
in 1989 at age 87, donated her extensive collection of 1950s
lesbian paperbacks; women active in the Daughters of Bilitis
gave their collection of organizational papers, which included
over 1,000 letters and publications and the New York Chapter of
the Committee to Free Sharon Kowalski donated their papers. The
Archives began with a steadfast commitment to be a grassroots
organization, to rely upon community members to give
individually. It is one of the few grassroots organizations that
has managed to remain this way.

Imagine yourself in a room surrounded by almost a century of
lesbian artwork, manuscripts, books, records, newspapers,
magazines, photographs, games, organizational papers, tapes,
letters, scrapbooks, clothing, and flyers; sharing with other
lesbians the excitement of rediscovering the lives and struggles
of the women who have come before us; perhaps even catching
glimpses of pieces of your own past. You have just imagined
yourself at the
June L. Mazer
Lesbian Archives.
The June L.
Mazer Lesbian Archives is a nonprofit tax-exempt
organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and
depends upon public donations to continue its work.

IGLSS -- The Institute
for Gay and Lesbian Strategic Studies (IGLSS)
The Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic
Studies (IGLSS) (
is the source for timely and relevant scholarship. An
independent think tank answering questions that affect the
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities, IGLSS
confronts tough issues -- using credible methodology to assure
reliable answers. With a mix of scholarly study and
rapid-response data on pressing topics, IGLSS fulfills some of
the most vital research needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender communities, and provides leadership within the
movement through informed critical analysis.
IGLSS offers a variety of products to serve different policy
Angles is a policy journal that addresses timely issues in
an accessible way.
IGLSS Abstracts is an electronic subscription service
providing abbreviated descriptions of recent scholarly works.
The Gay Directory of Authoritative Resources, or
GayDAR, is a regularly updated listing of experts working in
policy-related areas of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender people.
IGLSS Technical Reports offer more extensive study of
selected topics.
IGLSS Research Initiatives entail a series of related
studies conducted over a longer period of time.
To Maximize your use of the IGLSS website browse useful
about this site and find out what tools you'll need to use
this site effectively. Link to
other organizations where scholars and activists are working
together in new ways.
Social Organizations
Sophisticated Ladies Productions, Inc. ("SLP")
a for-profit organization established in 1991. SLP has been
furnishing a safe environment for lesbian women of all colors,
creeds and nationalities to get together, relax and have fun for
over ten years. While our goal at these parties is to entertain,
we also use this venue to educate as well. Our latest campaign,
through the use of eroticism, is to show women how to properly
perform a breast self-examination.
Although SLP is a for-profit organization, part of its mission
is to give back to the community through donations to nonprofit
organizations. As such we have partnered with two nonprofit
Mautner Project and
Friends for Friends.
See Also Promoters
Phi Omega. To tell you a little about
us, we are a National Feminine African American/ Multicultrual
lesbian sorority that reigns in Carnation Pink, Ice Blue and
Pearl White. Although we cater to lesbian women we do not
discriminate against bi-sexual, heterosexual women, or any race.
We feel that it is ultimately wrong to deny anyone the right to
be interested in a sorority such as ours. There are many women
that would love to participate in the many volunteer activities
that are present in our lesbian communities as well as in the
heterosexual arena. The first chapter of Beta Phi Omega
Sorority, Inc. was established in Tallahassee, FL and there are
five founding Diamonds: Alexus Perez, Misty Wright, Nichole
Lanier, Debra Bender, and Andrea Spencer.
We do a wide range of community service, such as Aids Awareness,
The March of Dimes, Breast Cancer Awareness, Safe Sex seminars,
Black Lesbian pride events, and so much more. We are always
looking for dedicated women to help Beta Phi Omega expand in
your city or state. We really need women that can be leaders and
is not afraid to make a mark in history! Beta Phi Omega
Sorority, Inc. is a sorority that is strongly geared towards
awareness, pride, love, joy, prosperity, community involvement,
and last but certainly not least lesbian victory!
Women's Health
House of Concern
The House of Concern (HOC) is sponsoring an early detection
breast cancer education project for low income women and men.
The project has several components. First, we will place shower
plaques in as many homes as funds will allow. Secondly, we will
provide transportation to and from sites offering free
mammograms. Thirdly, we will be a support system when treatment
is necessary. The site was developed by a Black lesbian and
breast cancer survivor and has a wealth of information on breast
cancer and breast self-evaluations.
The Lesbian Community Cancer Project (LCCP)
is a not-for-profit Illinois corporation that provides
services and support to women with health-care needs, especially
lesbians who are living with cancer. Founded in 1990, LCCP is
committed to increasing the availability and quality of women's
health care in the Midwest and influencing health-care policy on
the local, state and national levels.
LCCP serves all women -- regardless of sexual orientation, age,
race, income, disability or health history. The project sponsors
free gynecological exams and mammograms; it hosts smoking
cessation clinics; and it advocates to promote lesbian health
issues. Support services include a one-on-one Buddy program, and
stress management therapy for women diagnosed with cancer.
LCCP's advocacy programs include outreach to under-served
populations, prevention and detection education, and sensitivity
training for medical professionals.
Lesbian Community
Cancer Project
4753 N Broadway, Suite 602, Chicago, IL 60640
773.561.4662 fax 773.561.1830 email