Girls Together
By Mokaya Migiro
July 5, 2003: We have heard of the growing number of gay men in our midst but very rarely do
we hear people speak about the women yet apparently they are just as many.
"Hata hiyo maneno
wanayoongea, hatuwezi kusema kwa lugha yetu"
- Former President
Daniel arap Moi on gays.
That could very easily
sum up the accepted Kenyan attitude towards gays. Kenyans, at least most of them, are straight ugali and sukuma wiki people.
They value their traditions and conform to societal norms. Men are brought up to be real men and women are brought up to be
real women. These two categories of people link up to form a family unit which in turn forms a society. And they live happily
ever after or so goes the gospel according to African tradition society. [Read More]
Neale battles ignorance and raises consciousness about black gays and lesbians through speaking, writing,
and entrepreneurship. A Brown University graduate, he is the founder and resource manager of Black Lavender Resources.
Neale's crusade began during his senior year at an all male, Catholic
high school in Maryland. Unwilling to remain silent any longer in the face of regular harassment from those who already perceived
him to be gay, Neale came-out. The harassment intensified, but Neale ? a straight-A, model student ? received
little support from the school's administration for his act of self-empowerment and self-acceptance. When the school's principal
prevented him from publishing an article about his experiences as a gay student in the school newspaper, Neale took matters
into his own hands. With the help of his mother, he made 800 photocopies of the 3-page article and distributed as many as
he could himself before the administration confiscated the articles. Neale?s coming-out story is chronicled in Being
Different: Lambda Youths Speak Out (Franklin Watts, 1995).

Alicia Banks |
A Eulogy For Sakia Gunn An Eternal Sista Warrior By: Alicia Banks
(I dedicate this column
to young homosexual warriors who are out and proud everywhere. You all are my greatest inspirations. I live for you...AB}
It is an undeniable and
historically proven fact that those who are oppressed often become the most cruel oppressors. The United States were founded
by slave masters who wanted to be free from British rule, even as they simultaneously stole, enslaved, dehumanized, and forcibly
ruled captive Africans for centuries. As fellow hostages on plantations, mulattos were often the most rabid overseers and
treacherous house niggers, and often crueler than many white slave masters. In Nazi death camps, Jewish and Polish SS officers
who passed as Germans were far more brutal than their actual German Nazi peers. During America?s
genocide against Native Americans, Native American scouts and African-American Buffalo soldiers legendarily assisted white
men as they robbed and slaughtered red, brown, and black people who looked like them. White gays are usually more blatantly
racist than any of their racist heterosexual peers, especially those who control gay media. Closeted gays and gays who feign
at being "healed heterosexuals" gaybash more rabidly than any homophobic or sexually bigoted heterosexual...

Sisters of the Sun -- By Carl Owens |
A Call To Black Lesbian Sisters by Terri Jewell
the many Feminist treatises written during the past decade by Black Lesbians concerning issues that keep Sisters separated,
a conscious ?skin condition? still pervades among us. Though this topic has been discussed fervently in many arenas, treatment has been cursory in that we Black
Lesbians are reluctant to face the nitty-gritty of our personal vulnerability when dealing with this particular issue.
Waiting To Exhale With A Rainbow Twist by Andréna
You see, I have to fly off this island, Reggae?s rock, Marley?s big yard and Sean Paul?s root cause...just to breathe. Just to breathe in some gay air,
some level lesbian vibes. In Atlanta, DC, Miami, Boston, NYC,
wherever. Wherever I have friends and no relatives, wherever there is a strong gay and lesbian community that gives
a context of belonging and pride, all wrapped up in the love and politics of a universal rainbow. And of course a place, that
has healthy throngs of fiercely cerebral, hot woman who look like Tweet and Beyonce.
Black, Gay and Out in L.A. By: Kevin Herrera WAVE Community Newspapers Originally posted 7/16/2003
 As attitudes slowly
change, many black gay men and lesbian women in Los Angeles find it a little easier to be open about their sexuality, despite
religious issues and an enduring sense of homophobia. LOS ANGELES ? It was a beautiful day ? clear skies,
80 degrees and a soft breeze ? perfect weather for a stroll on the beach.
Domali Ayo?s site, rent-a-negro dot com ( started something in me. While viewing her site, I thought about all of the
stupid comments and questions I have heard over the years like ?what do two women do?? or my favorite comment
?that?s like putting two electrical outlets together, you can?t produce anything from that.? Huh? Well, I dare say ?don?t
get me started.?
Over the years, I too have heard stupid and infantile statements and comments
about my hair, my braids, and my favorite hemorrhaging heart liberals who want to be ?down with me? on everything
from saying ?okay? the way we say it to high fives. Personally, I
am fine with folks wanting to be ?down with me,? but I am also very careful to make them aware not all Black Folk
think alike. Though we are in the minority, we do not know each other either.
Falling For Straight Women

Sonya Shields |
by Sonya Shields Sonya Shields is an African American lesbian, who came out ten years
ago while living in Washington, DC. Within a few years of her coming out, she took a position with the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force. For over six years, she held a senior position within the organization, joined several national
boards, and participated in other community activities. But despite her professional career as an activist working to achieve
social justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, she settled for affairs and relationships with too many
straight women. This is her story.
Zuna Institute's 2003 National Black Lesbian Conference By: Angela D. Odom I started the year with
such high hopes in anticipation for this year?s National Black Lesbian Conference. I was going to set up a booth
to promote FemmeNoir and I had plans of doing so much while there. Christine and I unfortunately missed the last conference.
My Trip To Nia
Article and Photos By Gayle Fuhr There was a beautiful alter set up and so, on the first night
when we were asked to say our name and where we were from, I did and I mentioned that I had brought a very big Nia supporter
with me, Christine. I asked if I could place her urn on the alter for the weekend and leave her there until we were
ready to have a ceremony for her on Sunday. I was asked to bring Christine?s ashes with me the next morning, for the
opening ceremony, and was asked to talk about her. My first reaction was there were so many women there who knew her
so much longer than I and maybe they should speak. I was told I was entrusted with her and so it would be more appropriate
for me to do so.