Getting to Know You... by Shonia Brown (Sable Magazine)
When we meet people throughout our lives, oftentimes we
interact with them on a surface level. What you see is what you get. However, who these individuals really are is much more
than we can judge by their outer appearances. What makes up each and everyone of us comes from the experiences that we have
had throughout our lives, and especially those we experience in our childhood. Our childhood is the most important time in
our lives, because it literally determines whom we are going to grow up to be. [Read More]
DOES SEPARATION = SEGREGATION? by Jackie Anderson (Chicago Blacklines 11/1/2003)
There is a constantly looming and difficult
question concerning whether marginalized communities/persons in the effort to construct spaces in which they feel safer and
more able to both empower themselves and connect with others like them and who share their interests are in fact re-segregating
themselves. If the most reasonable response to this question is Yes, those efforts would be guilty of undermining the more
prominent struggle for the social and political right to equal access/opportunity and protection from unjust exclusions. I
want to suggest that a more reasonable response would be No because the two arenas are not mutually exclusive. [Read More]

Sex, Lies and DMX By MAX SMITH (Chicago Blacklines 11/1/2003)
It's a blessing to be just a few months
short of 50-something years old. Life offers up many varied and always instructive experiences over a half century. Over the
coming months, maybe years, I'd like to share some of the most interesting experiences with you, a BLACKlines reader. A most
enjoyable experience of life was college graduation day. It was great to see my parents and close relatives get along very
well with my best friends, who I introduced as Carl and his lover Ronald. By the end of that day Uncle Edward got into his
usual control and command attitude and sat Carl, Ronald and me at a table. He described to us why his graduation gift was
a book, The Disciplines of Life. [Read More]
ON THE BRINK Race and Recall in California by Sidney Brinkley (Blacklight Online) Amid
a White Power shake-up, Black Power is a fading memory and Brown Power is not yet ready to take control. "A voter revolution," was how the San Francisco Chronicle described Governor-elect
Schwarzenegger's impressive win in the California recall. But for a moment, another revolution was in the offing and had it
come about, it would have been far more impressive. The stage was set for a Latino to gain the state's highest office and
with it an unprecedented shift in power. To say, too bad they didn't have a better candidate, is an understatement.
[Read More]
Eshey & Paris (Sable Magazine)
how to find them and how to keep them, is a hot topic for today?s lesbian. People are always looking for the one partner
who will compliment their needs, satisfy their desires and of course hoping that the journey will take them to the ?Happily
Ever After?. When we met 3 years ago, we both were with other partners and were drawn to each other. We chose not to
flirt or cheat while still emotionally attached and chose to act honorably. [Read More]

GURRRLolgy The
Mystery of the Strap By Vicky Nabors (Chicago Blacklines 11/1/2003)
Butch and Stud lesbians often use strap-on
dildos to enhance their sexual pleasures and those of their partner. However, not all butch/stud lesbians participate in this
type of sex play. And, this isnít just a butch/stud thang either, there are some femmes who enjoy strapping up as well, and
can work it like a master. Now, whether itís requested by the femme or introduced by the butch/stud, the strap is a mysterious
yet powerful element of lesbian sexuality. [Read More]

Purrfectly Speaking by Anita Charlot (Chicago Blacklines 11/1/2003)
Have you ever noticed that at a certain
point in your life, the same issue keeps presenting itself? Sort of like the Universe has decided that this ìissueî is one
that you should be working on at that exact moment? Well, as I am always willing to share my life with you, I will tell you
that I have been bombarded with an issue for the past week or so; this being the issue of being too literal/direct.
[Read More]
CBLG, Chef Tania, DJ Sheron Webb in Hall
of Fame (Chicago
Blacklines 11/1/2003)
Among a theme of protest with activists
calling on Mayor Daley and the City Council to allocate $1 million in additional AIDS prevention fundingóthe 2003 Chicago
Gay and Lesbian Hall of Famers were inducted at the Cultural Center Oct. 21. [Read More]
Where Will You Be When They Come?
By Keith Boykin November 13, 2003 09:59 AM
?Boots are being polished. Trumpeters clean their horns. Chains
and locks forged. The crusade has begun. Once again flags of Christ are unfurled in the dawn and cries of soul saviors sing
apocalyptic on air waves. Citizens, good citizens all parade into voting booths and in self-righteous sanctity X away our
right to life. I do not believe as some that the vote is an end, I fear even more It is just a beginning. So I must make assessment,
Look to you and ask: Where will you be when they come?? [Read More]