And Still I Rise A Powerful Documentary
Presented by Urban Entertainment
Principal Cast: Caron Wheeler, Buchi Emecheta, Barbara Bush, Esther Bailey, Christopher Davis.
Dark, sultry, wild, savage, exotic and erotic. Many people have difficulty seeing black women as they are, because of an eagerness
to impose upon them an identity based on any number of myths. Constant and continual devaluation of black womanhood make it
extremely difficult for the black female to develop a positive self image. This documentary looks at how these myths and stereotypes
have been created, how they are perpetuated and whether black women can reclaim their own sense of self.

Zami Audre Lorde's spirit calls out with a Southern lilt at Zami, Atlanta's premiere
organization for lesbians of African descent. Hear from several participants how this center embraced Lorde's model of strength
and self-empowerment. View clip: DSL/Cable Modem | 56k | Real Player required to view clips. Download here.
Poet: Sapphire
Presented by
Dyke TV: Audre Lourde
"We were never meant to survive . . ." A profile of the influential African-American, lesbian poet. Presented by
Poetess Cheryl Clarke describes how a well-defined
community of lesbians gave her the best entrée into the world of lesbian poetry. Along the way, she pays homage to her predecessors
and contemporaries, including Phyllis Wheatley, Gwendolyn Brooks and Audre Lorde, and reads from her collection, Experimental
Love, published in 1993. -- Gail Cooper Air Date: Show Number: 252 Producer:
Anat Salomon Real Video Presentation Click to view

Phill Wilson
AIDS Activist Phill Wilson Talks About Fighting AIDS and Urban Myths in the African-American Community
conducted by Black Entertainment Television. [View Video]
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Interview With June Jordan Presented by June Jordan on the crisis in Palestine and the israeli Occupation. Presented by

Sexual Exiles
Film Snapshot: Sexual Exiles is a 30 min. video documentary about the impossibility of returning
home for lesbians and gays once they have "come out" while living in exile. It explores both the reasons they have left their
homes as well as their complex experiences while living in exile. This includes their complicated relationships to home and
family, the way they discover new identities through the process of migration and relocation. Sexual Exiles explores this
universal search for a sense of belonging and the feelings of identity displacement that occur through this difficult process
of relocation and self-definition. Through the experiences of 9 women and men who have come to the United States seeking an
opportunity to be open, for the first time in their lives, about their homosexuality, the viewer is challenged to deepen his
or her appreciation of what concepts like "home", "exile" and "difference" mean, both to themselves and to others. Presented by
Dyke TV Eyewitness
Description: Our revolution didn't start with Stonewall. African-American lesbian elders tell the
tales of gay New York life in Harlem, Brooklyn and the Bronx before the world-altering Stonewall rebellion. In this clip they
recall, raids and suffocating laws and racial discrimination faced within the gay community. -- Gail Dottin
Date: May 3, 1994 DykeTV Show Number: 48 Producer: click here to view RealVideo interviews.
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Legendary radical Black lesbian feminist Barbara Smith talks "The Truth That Never Hurts", as she discusses
her book of the same title. Making connections between women/queer liberation and the African American Civil Rights movement
of the 1950s and 60s, Smith traces her development as an activist, and celebrates the idealism, solidarity and passions of
younger activists who keep the struggle going. -- Gail Cooper Show Number: 183 Producers: Harriet
Hirshorn and Lucretia Knapp. Click here to view RealVideo interview

Where were all the black lesbians?" Lisa Moore of Redbone Press
asks in her video project, "Sassy Be Gone." Through oral histories of black lesbians in their 60s, 70s, and 80s,
Moore explores where Black bulldaggers, femmes, studs and women who liked to wear "wife beaters" fit in the black communities
of their youth. From Chicago to Kentucky to New York City, Moore listens to the stories of women who helped to make way for
contemporary Black lesbian existence/movements. She also raises important questions about the dearth of formal historical
inquiry into the lesbian presence in famed movements such as the Harlem Renaissance. -- Gail Cooper
Click to view Sassy Be Gone

June Jordan at the Writers House April 23-24, 2001, as
a Kelly Writers House Fellow On April 23, 2001, June Jordan gave a reading from her memoir, Soldier and
from her poetry, including new, uncollected work. On April 24, 2001, Jordan returned to the Writers House for an interview/conversation
moderated by Al Filreis, Faculty Director of the Writers House. Full Program Interview With June Jordan Here are excerpts from June Jordan's Writers House reading: "Focus in Real Time" "Poem about My Rights"