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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


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"Race Relations" archive

Tuesday 25 April

  • Using The "N Word" (11:55) - Last night, UPN's "All of Us" aired an episode entitled "The N Word," The "N Word" was used as a "stand-in for our complicated feelings about race. It puts it out there in all its conflicted, infuriating, funny forms and... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Monday 24 April

  • Race & Gender While Bloggin (11:31) - Black Gay Blogger (bgb.com10) features an interview with Tyme White of The conversation focuses on the site where she is the Community Director and her site Not Too Geeky. This discussion also covers a topic I am particularly interested... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 19 April

  • My Hair, My Hair (12:57) - The lawsuit over alleged discriminatory practices in Dillard's hair salons is heating up as current stylists defend the chain's pricing policies. Customers and former employees say the policies are unfair to black people. The federal class action lawsuit, originally filed... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Race and Class Differences Play Role in Duke Case (12:50) - Compiled by the DiversityInc staff © 2006® April 19, 2006 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has announced it will be closely monitoring the district attorney's investigation concerning the Duke rape case to ensure a... | 1 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 13 April

  • Oh My God! (23:02) - First, I want to thank a mentor in Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson for filling in the gaps of Jasmyne's earlier post. We have so few brothers like that and I am grateful. You can read his post on Jasmyne's site... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Tuesday 11 April

  • Going Back To That Whole Issue Of Perception . . . (13:17) - If Ouida Lindsey had added to board the words "American," oh my would we hear a few things about ourselves. For some of my friends who are not from this country, Americans are the most selfish, most self centered, most... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Thursday 30 March

  • A White Woman's Perspective on the Outside (12:42) - Perception is an interesting thing, particularly, when mixed with fear, perception can hold such power. This article deals with the power of perception, how people can be made to feel a particular area is "dangerous," somewhere you really don't want... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Do Illegal Immigrants Really Take Jobs From Poor American Workers? (12:06) - I cannot help but admit I too have witnessed and heard the words of young Black youth, male and female, tell of their experiences applying for jobs only to be rejected and then, minutes or days later, learn a Mexican/Latina/o... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Sunday 12 March

  • Has Fashion Gone Too Far? (09:41) - This recent Diesel ad was banned. The reason given by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) was that the position of the women in relation to the man's body clearly alluded to sexual behaviour and it was likely to cause serious... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Tuesday 21 February

  • Celebrating Community….And Giving Back (10:56) - By David L. Brewer IIIVADM, USNCommander, Military Sealift Command, Washington, D.C. Achieving racial and gender diversity is harder than rocket science. That's what I tell audiences whenever I speak. In other words, it's easier to intercept a missile traveling more... | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 15 February

  • Should Black People Leave America? (07:05) - Now this is an article of particular importance to me.  I fear, within a few short years, we will be living in a country that is not only unfriendly towards Blacks, it will also be a society of intolerance.  The... | 0 Comments
  • "Acting White" Fact Or Fiction (06:53) - This is interesting because, of the numbers of adults I have spoken with regarding this issue, I will either be met with hostility with an in your face response of "That's not true" or, I will hear how unfortunate it... | 0 Comments
  • Sunday 12 February

  • Raise The Fist Case Far From Over (11:05) - “First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democrat, so I did nothing. Then came the trade unionists, but... | 0 Comments
  • Monday 6 February

  • More HR Online Sites Continue to Miss The Mark on Diversity (14:30) - Just a week after an online news site for The Society for Human Resource Management used a confounding Gallup poll (See also: No Way to Measure Diversity's Value? Mainstream Article Ignores the Hard Facts and Dabbling in Diversity Surveys Is... | 0 Comments
  • Monday 26 December

  • Kwanzaa – Why I Like It And Why I Don’t (12:02) - Today is the first day of Kwanzaa and for many African Americans this tradition, started in 1966, has become a popular event in the community.  The principals of Kwanzaa are meant to focus on traditional African values of family, community... | 2 Comments
  • Wednesday 21 December

  • The Jim Crow Guide (08:46) - I was checking out Marian's blog this morning and she has posted a link to the Jim Crow Guide.  She links to chapters from author Stetson Kennedy's website - Why This Guide No Room For Redskins White Man's Country America's... | 0 Comments
  • Tuesday 29 November

  • Walgreens Sued for 'Harassing Black Customers' (10:21) - Chicago has often been referred to as one of the most racist cities in the country.  From today's article on DiversityInc, one store in Chicago is holding true to the city's reputation for discrimination.  In a federal lawsuit filed... | 1 Comments
  • Sunday 27 November

  • We Need New Leaders (08:19) - Having been a manager for many years or, in some capacity, serving in leadership roles and/or positions, I have learned many things over the years.  As such, I created a rule for myself and that rule is to keep smart... | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments
  • Thursday 10 November

  • The Hidden Civil-Rights Heroes, Black Teenagers (10:36) - Compiled by the DiversityInc staff© 2005®November 10, 2005 Black teenagers were taking a stand for their rights even before the birth of the Civil Rights Movement. Before Rosa Parks' arrest and the 381-day Montgomery Bus Boycott, teenagers such... | 0 Comments
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