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November 29, 2005
Walgreens Sued for 'Harassing Black Customers'
Posted at November 29, 2005 10:21 AM in Race Relations . Chicago has often been referred to as one of the most racist cities in the country. From today's article on DiversityInc, one store in Chicago is holding true to the city's reputation for discrimination. In a federal lawsuit filed Monday against Walgreens, three former cashiers alleged their white supervisors "ordered them to harass black customers whom the supervisors presumed to be criminals," according to a Chicago Tribune article.
Adding fire to the allegation are the black customers who were reportedly harassed. The three black customers of the Walgreens store in Chicago, where the incident allegedly occurred, have joined the former cashiers in the lawsuit. Their attorney, John Muldoon, charges that there has been "a pattern of discrimination over the last two decades." Two decades? Actually, I'm not surprised.
The cashiers, Francis Clay, Carla McCoy and Jessica Moore, all worked at the downtown Chicago store. They allege that from May to November of last year, they were told to follow black customers to make sure they "did not steal anything from the store."
The three customers, Leroy Jacobs, Abdou Barry, and Leroy Midyette, claim the employees followed them closely at the store and made them provide proof of purchase, which the employees charge was a mandate that was given to them by their white supervisors, who told them not to let the black customers "steal anything from the store."
A Walgreen Co. spokesperson, Michael Polzin, said Tuesday morning that the Deerfield-based drugstore chain had not seen the lawsuit, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.
Uuumn, and why didn't these men, walk out of the store, instead of paying for being degraded - and the black workers. . .
I hope that they, the community, are not planning a boycott; or looking for simple concessions to buy their souls (how common)... is anyone telling them, hey, you know what we are going to do, "Let us stop patronizing this place period... and never go back;" and as for the black co-conspirators, to hell with them. . . let them find a job elsewhere ... (this is the failure of Affirmative Action).
Posted by denise at November 30, 2005 06:59 AM