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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > December 2005 > The Jim Crow Guide

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December 21, 2005

The Jim Crow Guide

Posted at December 21, 2005 08:46 AM in Race Relations .

ClippingsI was checking out Marian's blog this morning and she has posted a link to the Jim Crow Guide.  She links to chapters from author Stetson Kennedy's website -

Why This Guide
No Room For Redskins
White Man's Country
America's Great Wall
Who Is Colored Where
Who May Marry Whom
Who May Live Where
Who May Study Where
Who May Work Where
Who Are Subject To Forced Labor
Who May Vote Where
Look Out For The Law
Who May Travel How
Open To All (Whites)
The Dictates of Racial Etiquette



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