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You are here: Home > February 2006 > Should Black People Leave America?

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February 15, 2006

Should Black People Leave America?

Posted at February 15, 2006 07:05 AM in Race Relations .

Now this is an article of particular importance to me.  I fear, within a few short years, we will be living in a country that is not only unfriendly towards Blacks, it will also be a society of intolerance.  The "Willie Lynch Principal" has been extended to all walks of life -- a big thank you to our current administration that understood the importance of divide and counquer.  The kind of thinking we are now witnessing creates giant steps backward and, however, unlike gaining and losing weight where you can move forward on the scale easily but moving backward is hard, we will not have an easy time regaining what we have lost so easily. 

Should Black People Leave America?

NNPA, Commentary, James Clingman, Jan 23, 2006

Ever since we arrived in this country there have been conversations about our leaving. Movements, threats, cajoling, incentives, and every manner of effort by Blacks and Whites alike, from Paul Cuffee to Marcus Garvey, and from James Monroe to Abe Lincoln, have been discussed and, in some cases, implemented to get Black people out of this country.

While there have been several prominent Black people who have left, there has been no mass exodus by Black people since Liberia, the 1967 move to Africa by the African Hebrew Israelites notwithstanding.

In light of all that has happened to Black people in this country, in addition to what is occurring now in the new millennium, should Black people seriously consider leaving America? We have been here since the beginning, contributed more than anyone else to the foundational wealth of this country, sacrificed more than anyone else for this country, and yet we are still treated like the “three-fifths” they called us when they wrote their Constitution. Should we now walk away?  [Read More]

Source:  New America Media


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