Alyssa* was not sure what was wrong, but she
knew something was not quite right. Six months after Alyssa's
gynecologist dismissed her increasingly severe symptoms as
nothing that a little bed rest couldn't cure, she drove herself
to the emergency room and refused to leave until someone told
her what was wrong. What was wrong was that Alyssa had Stage
IIIC ovarian cancer (Stage IV is the most severe).
The American Cancer Society estimates 23,000
women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year and 14,000
women will die, making ovarian cancer the deadliest of the
gynecologic cancers. Raising awareness of ovarian cancer
symptoms is crucial in decreasing these startling statistics.
Common symptoms are:
These symptoms are not unique to ovarian
cancer, but it is critical for women to take action if symptoms
are unusual for them and persist. If ovarian cancer is
suspected, experts recommend a vaginal/rectal pelvic exam, a
transvaginal sonogram, and a CA-125 blood test. Also, research
has shown that outcomes are better if a gynecologic oncologist,
a physician who has been trained specifically to deal with
gynecologic cancers, has performed the surgery.
All women are at risk for ovarian cancer and
should be aware of factors that put them at higher risk. These
factors include: increasing age; having a family history of
ovarian, breast or colon cancer; and not bearing children.
The fact that lower percentages of lesbians
have conceived and birthed a child, as compared to heterosexual
women, places them at a higher risk for ovarian cancer. Also,
although oral contraceptives do not prevent ovarian cancer,
their use is associated with a 5% to 10% reduction in risk for
each year of use. Lesbians generally do not use oral
contraceptives, and therefore do not receive this risk reduction
benefit. Tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and removal of the
ovaries has also been associated with a reduction in risk.
In addition to the risk factors mentioned
above, lower utilization of healthcare system, lower likelihood
or regular cancer screening, and insurance limitations
contribute to increased risk of many cancers for lesbians.
Moreover, although use of fertility drugs has not been
definitively linked to ovarian cancer and more research is
needed, it is important to be aware of this potential
It is crucial for lesbians to learn about
ovarian cancer and act as their own health advocates. Regular
check-ups and persistence can make a huge difference. More than
two-thirds of all ovarian cancer cases are detected when the
cancer has spread beyond the ovaries and when the five-year
survival rate is only 25 percent. Early detection increases the
survival rate to more than 90 percent. Until there is a definite
screening tool for the ovarian cancer, having knowledge about
this disease and educating other women about it is the only way
to stop the deadliest of all gynecological cancer from taking
more lives.
For more information about ovarian cancer,
contact the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance at 202/331-1332,
, *Name changed to protect the
patient's privacy.