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You are here: Home > February 2006 > Donor Gives UCLA $10 Million for Sexual Orientation Law Think Tank; Gift by Chuck Williams the Largest Ever to University for Gay and Lesbian Studies

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February 27, 2006

Donor Gives UCLA $10 Million for Sexual Orientation Law Think Tank; Gift by Chuck Williams the Largest Ever to University for Gay and Lesbian Studies

Posted at February 27, 2006 11:13 PM in Gay & Lesbian Issues .

Will07LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 23, 2006--Over the past four years, Charles R. Williams has given $10 million to UCLA School of Law to create and support the Williams Project, a research center on sexual orientation law and public policy. In recognition of his gifts and the work of the center, this Friday UCLA will officially recognize and rename it as the Williams Institute.

Williams is the largest individual donor in the law school's history and his combined gifts represent the largest gift ever to an academic institution for gay and lesbian studies.

The Williams Project was founded in 2001 with an endowment gift from Charles R. Williams of $2.5 million and was run by a part time employee with an annual budget of $100,000. By its inauguration on Friday, the Williams Institute will have 10 full-time employees, an annual budget of over $1 million, and an endowment of $10 million.

UCLA School of Law is the only law school in the country to have a research center dedicated to sexual orientation law and policy issues.

"Chuck Williams has been enormously generous in support of this path-breaking research center," said UCLA School of Law Dean Michael H. Schill. "I am extremely proud of the incredible growth and influence of the Williams Project nationwide."   [Read More]


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