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You are here: Home > December 2005 > South Africa to have gay weddings

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December 01, 2005

South Africa to have gay weddings

Posted at December 1, 2005 08:33 AM in Gay & Lesbian Issues .

_40903421_pride203South Africa is one of the world's most liberal countries in terms of gay rights
South Africa's highest court has ruled in favour of same-sex marriages, which are banned under current legislation.

The Constitutional Court ordered that parliament amend marriage laws to allow gay weddings within a year.

The constitution outlaws discrimination against gays and lesbians, but social attitudes remain more conservative.

The court ordered that the definition of marriage be changed from a "union between a man and a woman" to a "union between two persons".

Last year, the Supreme Court of Appeal had ruled in a case brought by a lesbian couple that the current law discriminated against homosexuals. [Read More]


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