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You are here: Home > December 2005 > Homophobic Group's Gloating Backfires; Ford Renews Commitment to GLBT Ads

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December 15, 2005

Homophobic Group's Gloating Backfires; Ford Renews Commitment to GLBT Ads

Posted at December 15, 2005 12:24 PM in Gay & Lesbian Issues .

Land_rover_018Ford Motor Co. won back the support of gay and lesbian organizations yesterday when it decided to again advertise two luxury brands in GLBT publications. The decision came after a very public pronouncement by a homophobic organization that claimed Ford was bowing to its pressure in pulling the ads.

The auto company laid out its reasons in a letter following a meeting with GLBT groups Monday. Ford acknowledged the importance of the GLBT market to its business and its philanthropic commitment to the community. But the letter also raised questions about the initial announcement by the American Family Association (AFA) that proudly told the world Ford had kowtowed to the group's anti-gay agenda and threat of a boycott.

Ford reiterated in the letter that its original decision to stop advertising Jaguar and Land Rover in GLBT publications was based on business reasons, not pressure from the AFA. "You asked directly for us to have Jaguar and Land Rover reverse its plans and advertise in gay-and-lesbian-targeted publications in 2006," stated the letter, dated yesterday and signed by Joe W. Laymon, Ford Group vice president, Corporate Human Resources. "As we said, Jaguar and Land Rover made a business decision about their media plans and it would be inconsistent with the way we manage our business to direct them to do otherwise"

For More See: Ford to run corporate-wide ads in gay publications
Source:  DiversityInc


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