New Voice Fellowships to
Support Nonprofits and Promising New Leaders Committed to Social
Justice and Peace
Deadline: January 13, 2003
New Voices, inaugurated in 1999, is a national program to help
nonprofit organizations bring innovative new talent to their
staffs. It awards salary-support grants to small nonprofits
demonstrating a commitment to cultivating and strengthening the
leadership potential of "new voices." The program is
administered by the Academy for Educational Development with
funding from the Ford Foundation.
The two-year grants offer support for salary, fringe benefits,
financial assistance, mentoring, and a professional development
account for a promising new leader. The host nonprofit
organizations also receive technical assistance from national
experts and a computer to support the work of the fellow.
A defining feature of the program is that the applying nonprofit
and its prospective fellow prepare the application together as a
team. The organization may recruit its candidate, based on
organizational goals, priorities, and needs, or the prospective
fellow may approach an eligible organization, based on his or
her professional interests. Proposed fellows must clearly
represent a "new voice" to the organization and its field of
work. Most Fellows will have completed an undergraduate or
graduate degree or have equivalent education and experience
While there are no limits with regard to age or professional
experience, strong applications will demonstrate that this
individual would offer new perspectives, expertise, skills,
and/or insights to the organization and field. Applications are
strongly encouraged from candidates reflecting diverse
educational, cultural, and experiential backgrounds. Only
U.S.-based nonprofit organizations are eligible. Preference will
be given to organizations with annual budgets between $75,000
and $2 million.
Sponsored fields of work include: foreign policy; international
economic policy; international peace and security; international
human rights; women's rights; racial justice and civil rights;
and migrant and refugee rights.
Complete eligibility criteria and application guidelines and
forms are available from the New Voices Web site.
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Philanthropy and Voluntarism, visit: