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The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > January 2006 > We All Knew This Right?

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January 31, 2006

We All Knew This Right?

Posted at January 31, 2006 11:00 AM in Women's Issues .

WomanAppalling new evidence reveals that female soldiers serving in Iraq made fatal decisions in their attempts to avoid rape.

In a startling revelation, the former commander of Abu Ghraib prison testified that Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, former senior US military commander in Iraq, gave orders to cover up the cause of death for some female American soldiers serving in Iraq.

Last week, Col. Janis Karpinski told a panel of judges at the Commission of Inquiry for Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration in New York that several women had died of dehydration because they refused to drink liquids late in the day. They were afraid of being assaulted or even raped by male soldiers if they had to use the women's latrine after dark.

Source:  The Fear That Kills
See Also:  Sexualized Violence Against Female Soldiers Going Largely Unpunished
Rape kits expose nearly 200 female US soldiers report being raped by fellow troops in Iraq


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