Brenda Crawford
Brenda has over twenty-five years of executive
administrative experience in community based nonprofit
organization. She has worked in a wide variety of human services
organization such as the Berkeley YWCA, West Oakland Health
Center Substance Abuse Treatment Services and the Contra County
Sexual Assault & Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Center. In her
more than twenty-five years of executive experience she has
managed large complex budgets, supervised a staff of fifty. She
has had the ability to develop a team spirit and goal oriented
directions with all the staff in the agencies, which she has
worked, She is a skilled negotiator and consensus builder at all
organizational levels. For the last nine years she has own an
operated Crawford & Associates a Management Consultant Firm that
specializes in nonprofit management issues. She works with
approximately fifty agencies per year. Brenda has a recognized
and proven body of work both locally as well as nationally.
Brenda has an extensive volunteer history she has served as a
volunteer with the following agencies and groups:
Founding Board member of AMASSI INC -
Concerned Neighbors of Outlook Ave
East Bay Lesbian & Gay Democratic
Club-President 1996-Present
Black Women’s Network 1997-1998
The National Lesbian & Gay Victory
The East Bay Black Lesbian & Gay Business
Coalition 1998-Present
The National Black Lesbian & Gay Leadership
Forum-Board Chair- 1996-Present
Port of Oakland Project Labor Agreement
Community Task Force 1999-present
East Bay Church of Religious Science, Board
of Trustee 1994-1997
Brenda has an equally extensive political history. She
has worked with:
City Council member John Russo to get the
city to pass Domestic Partner Insurance for all City of
Oakland Employee
Council Member Russo to get Domestic
Partner registration for citizens in the city of Oakland
Council Member Nate Miley and the Traffic
control division in the City of Oakland to put in speed bumps
on Outlook Ave and to prohibit cars from turning into Outlook
Ave. from Seminary Road.
A statewide coalition to defeat Proposition
21 & 22-1999
Member of the City of Oakland LGBT
Leadership Roundtable 2001-present
Commissioner- City of Oakland Commission on
Organized and facilitated community meeting
of the Concerned Neighbors of Outlook Ave to discuss issues of
traffic control, blighted properties, Crime prevention, weed
and clean up control on vacant school property
Outstanding Women of the Year in Community
Service-Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame-1999
Congressional Certificate of Recognition-
For Outstanding Work in the Gay And lesbian Civil Rights
Movement- Congresswoman Barbara Lee-1999
East Bay Pride Assemblywoman Carole
Migden’s Award for Political Activism- 1998
Commendation from the Alameda County Board
of Supervisors for Community Service-1999
California Legislature Assembly Certificate
of Recognition for Front line work in the Fight against
Substance Abuse-1995
The National Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund
Award For Political Activism for working Nationally to elect
more openly Gay & Lesbian Public Officials- 1997
Certificate of Appreciation from United
State Senate- Senator Barbara Boxer in Recognition of
Outstanding Community Service-1999
Marlon Riggs Community Leadership Award,
Oakland Black Pride-2000
National Black Alcoholism Council,
California Chapter- Certificate of Recognition for Work toward
decreasing Alcoholism and Substance Abuse In the African
American Community,
In The Life
We asked several Sheroes (prominent black lesbian
activists) the following question:
"It’s the year 2000! What do you see as the most important issue
facing the black lgbt community in the new century? And if
possible, how would you address this issue?"
As you might expect the responses we received were perceptive
and thought-provoking. We hope the answers will begin a dialogue
that addresses these concerns and ultimately, serves as a
catalyst for change!
Thank you for allowing me to participate in this most important
There are several critical issues facing the black lgbt
community in the year 2000. The continuing alarming rise of
AIDS/HIV among black gay and bisexual men. The increase of the
incidence of breast cancer among black lesbians. So our overall
state of health is problematic. We need to continue to work to
insure that we receive adequate funding to support services that
are designed to address these issues. I believe that a national
study needs to be conducted on health issues affecting black
lesbians. Such a study has never occurred to my knowledge, so it
is difficult to determine how many of us are impacted by breast
& cervical cancer. I am interested in convening a group of black
lesbian health care providers and other interested parties
nationally to approach The Center for Disease Control or the
National Office of Minority Health to commission such a study.
Another issue that I think we as a community will have to deal
with in the new millennium is one of developing political clout
and visibility. We need to become much more visible and vocal in
both the national and local political arena. We need more openly
LGBT black people to run for public office. Get appointed to
boards and commissions. “Step Up and Step Out,” Be Loud Proud
and Black, as we go into the new era. Demand to be at the table
when the national agenda is set for the black community. We need
no longer to let our old established organizations like the
NAACP, Urban League or the National Council of Negro Women
ignore us. Let us approach them out of a place of love but also
determination, and let them know that we are in the churches,
the schools, and everywhere. We are a vibrant and vital part of
the black community, and we want to be included in all
discussion regarding the communities that we live in.
Finally, I think that we need to concentrate on developing a
national spiritual base for our movement. Let’s involve our
church leaders in all public policy discussions that impact the
quality of our lives. It is my experience that all activities
that are spiritually centered have a much better chance of being
successful. I am tired of the religious right misdefining who I
am. I think we know who we are as a community, and what our
values and beliefs are. To let people who preach intolerance and
dissent voices be louder than those of us who preach love and
inclusion seems out of balance. I think it is our national
responsibility to uplift and support the voices that realize the
universe loves and supports us all, that we are all special and
unique and have gifts to share.
-- Brenda Crawford

Best of East Bay

BRENDA CRAWFORD devotes much of her time to the
African-American lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
community. Currently president of the board of directors of the
East Bay Lesbian & Gay Democratic Club, she hopes to someday run
for Oakland City Council