Vallerie Wagner
Community Activist and Director of Education & Social Services
-- Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center
Vallerie Wagner is the Director
of Education and Social Services at the Los Angeles Gay and
Lesbian Center. Wagner oversees the Community Outreach and
Education Department (COED), the Health Education & Prevention
Department (HEP), the Youth Services Department, the Legal
Services Department and the California AIDS Clearinghouse.
Prior to joining the Gay & Lesbian Center, Vallerie worked as an
engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
California for 15 years where she was a Member of the Technical
Staff on the Voyager and Galileo Projects. Vallerie received a
B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Southern University
in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1981 and in 1983 became the first
female to receive a M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama.
has been a community activist in advocating for the human rights
of lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender persons for more than 10
years. An advocate for bridging the gap between the lesbian and
gay communities, Vallerie is also committed to empowering
lesbians to recognize their strength both individually and
collectively. She has served on several boards including the
National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum (the Forum),
United Lesbians of African Heritage (ULOAH), the L.A. Gay &
Lesbian Center, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the
Los Angeles Unified School District's Gay and Lesbian Education
Commission. In 1995, she attended the 4th International Women's
Conference in Beijing, China as an open lesbian and participated
in an international lesbian march through the streets of Hairou,
Vallerie currently serves on the Astraea National Lesbian Action
Foundation's Community Funding Panel and the LAPD Gay and
Lesbian Advisory Commission and is a member of the Gill
Foundation's National Leadership Project 2000.

Source: Los Angeles Gay And
Lesbian Center