National Black Lesbian Conference 2003
April 11-13, 2003 -- Los Angeles


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ZUNA NBLC April 11th - 13th 2003


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In The Kitchen

The Foods of Brazil - an overview

The traditional Brazilian recipes still in use today are derived from three main sources: the Indian, the African and the Portuguese.

From the Portuguese, we get the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. The Portuguese brought their love of sugar and the many sweets that are used for birthdays, desserts, or on holidays; the use of wine in cooking and the habit of using many eggs, cinnamon and sugar. The Portuguese also brought such seasonings as the bay leaf, parsley, garlic, onion and olives. These are found in many recipes and are very widely used.

From the Indian, the most important aspects were the use of manioc and fish. The meal and flour native to their environment are used today in the well-known farofa, in making cookies, biscuits and some breads.

The African contributed heavily to the foods, particularly in Bahia, where many Africans are located. The Africans came as slaves and therefore adapted what was in Brazil to their ways. Some of the African products brought to Brazil were dende oil, hot peppers, coconut and coconut milk. Some of the well known African dishes are vatapa, xinxim, quindim, moqueca and cocada.

Add to these three strong roots the lush vegetation producing practically all fruits and vegetables known to North Americans, as well as numerous others with which North Americans are not familiar, and you have unlimited possibilities for preparing a variety of tasty and exotic dishes!


2 lbs. of fish filets, cut in large portions
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 large tomatoes, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 red pepper, diced
3 cups coconut milk
2 Tbsp of dendê (palm) oil
juice of one lime
1 bunch cilantro
 Tbsp of green onions, chopped
2 Tbps of parsley, chopped
salt and pepper to taste

Marinate the fish filets with salt, pepper and lime juice for 1/2 hour. Sauté garlic, onion, tomatoes, peppers, green onions, parsley and cilantro in palm oil  for about two minutes; add fish and coconut milk. Cook for about 15 minutes in low or until fish is cooked. Serve with white rice and dendê farofa. Serves 4.

Combine this dish with bobó de camarão and you'll have the perfect Bahian dinner...

(Brazilian Barbecue)

Brazilians were the first to raise cattle in South America, imported from Cape Verde to São Paulo in the 1530s. Churrasco (pronounced shoo-RAS-koo) or Brazilian barbecue was the traditional staple food of the gaúchos or cowboys of Southern Brazil for centuries before it spread to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It has become very fashionable and there are excellent churrascarias (restaurants specializing in Brazilian barbecue) all over Brazil and around the world. These are called churrascaria de rodízio because waiters move from table to table bringing different types of meats on skewers from which they slice portions onto your plate.

The meat was originally cooked over coals, usually in a pit dug in the ground, skewered in metal spits. The only seasoning was coarse salt and each gaúcho had his own churrasco knife which he used to cut pieces of meat from the spit. People in southern Brazil have churrasco pits built in their backyards with bricks or incorporated into a wall with decorative tiles around the edges. (In the US, we use a gas grill!)

Almost any occasion can be celebrated with a churrasco: birthdays, christenings, political rallies, or it can be a simple get-together with your family and friends on the weekend. It has evolved into an elaborate meal, with different salads, sauces and farofa accompanying the meats. We start with caipirinhas, served with nuggets of sausage skewered on toothpicks and end with pudim de leite (Brazilian Style Flan) or torta de banana (Brazilian Style Banana Pie).

The meats used most often are Brazilian sausages, different cuts of beef, pork tenderloin and chicken. In the US, we use chouriço or a good spicy pork sausage in place of Brazilian sausages, t-bone steaks and sirloin strips, chicken thighs and drumsticks, and the pork tenderloin or pork chops.

I serve a potato salad with carrots and chayote, tomato salad with hearts of palm, onion salad, fried manioc or yuca, farofa and molho à campanha (Brazilian Style Hot Sauce) with the meats.

White meats are marinated overnight in a mixture of garlic, salt and lime juice. The red meats are seasoned with sea salt only. There are two traditional methods for doing this (we use the first one): press a good amount of salt into the sides of the meat and once the meat is cooked knock it off with the side of a large knife, or baste the meat with salt water using a bunch of parsley or bay leaves as a brush.

You may want to try a recipe for pork short ribs marinated in red wine and barbecued with farinha de mandioca to our menu. Given to us by our cousins in Brazil!

Source:  Maria's Cookbook (Brazil)



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