- Note brace and tape on fingers
A friend called me last night after reading an article on People Magazine’s website quoting Dr. Deepak Chopra. In the article, Chopra says Michael Jackson had lupus and he goes on to say even his son knew he had lupus. This caused my friend to ask me if I thought lupus caused MJ’s heart attack. My answer, if MJ had Lupus SLE – or what is known as Systemic Lupus – then yes, it could have caused a heart attack or what is known as sudden death or cardiac arrest.
Over the years I have heard the words “Michael Jackson has lupus” over and over again but I had never heard or read anything confirming MJ having systemic lupus. Not a thing. There have been some hospitalizations that have raised an eyebrow for me in recent years but the only confirmation I had or heard came in 1984 when MJ was badly burned when his hair caught fire during filming of a Pepsi commercial. While MJ was in the hospital, doctors and the media reported lupus lesions were found in his scalp and it was said he had Discoid Lupus.
About Lupus Generally
Discoid lupus, or Lupus DLE, is a separate and different animal from systemic lupus or Lupus SLE. According to WebMD’s eMedicine:
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic, scarring, atrophy producing, photosensitive dermatosis. Discoid lupus erythematosus may occur in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and some patients (<5%) with discoid lupus erythematosus progress to SLE.1 Some patients also have the lesions of subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE), and some may have a malar rash. Patients with discoid lupus erythematosus rarely fulfill 4 or more of the criteria used to classify SLE. Serologic abnormalities are uncommon. Therapy with sunscreens, topical corticosteroids, and antimalarial agents is usually effective.
Lupus DLE
Note that less than 5% of patients with discoid lupus go on to develop Lupus SLE. Though 5% looks like a pretty small number, that 5% represents thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people. When you hear a person has lupus, it is never noted whether that person has Lupus SLE, DLE or SCLE. You just hear the word lupus and that could mean anything from skin lesions only to kidney, lung or heart disease.
In MJ’s case, the lesions were found in his scalp after the accident, while he was in the hospital and unfortunately, much of what was done subsequent to his accident to repair his scalp was never quite successful. There were reports that the scaring never fully healed which is common with discoid lupus. MJ wore a host of wigs and some said this was done to cover up gray hair. If the surgeries to repair his scalp were unsuccessful or, if he had discoloring alopecia – which is common with Lupus DLE – then wearing wigs makes sense.
A few years ago I attended a lupus seminar for health care professionals and learned cosmetic surgery is not a good idea for those diagnosed with discoid lupus. MJ, unfortunately, had cosmetic surgery performed on his nose, chin (the dimple) and possibly other areas of his face. According to one of the doctors who spoke at the seminar, she did not advise her patients to seek out plastic surgery unless their discoid lupus was in remission. I don’t know if MJ was prescribed this drug or not but anti-malarial drugs like Placquenil are typically prescribed to keep discoid lupus at bay. Patients on this drug can have successful results from plastic surgery but, there is no guarantee. If he was on an antimalarial drug he needed to protect his eyes and skin from sunlight and, unfortunately, these drugs can cause damage to your retinas and blindness which coincides with a more recent rumor that MJ was losing vision in either one or both eyes.
In the aforementioned seminar, a good deal of emphasis was placed on the dangers of plastic surgery for individuals diagnosed with discoid lupus. I was surprised to hear this and thought about MJ during the discussion because they said plastic surgery could exacerbate the condition and could cause further scaring and/or difficult or slow healing.
In fairness to plastic surgeons, not all of them are well versed in autoimmune diseases, particularly if the patient never mentions it. Some will not bother viewing your health records either. That said, since Lupus DLE, SLE and SCLE (subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus) are hard to diagnose and many go undiagnosed for years, it is not uncommon for a plastic surgeon to proceed knowing nothing about the patient’s lupus or what effects the surgery will have on their skin. Many simply don’t know. Those who do know will defer surgery until such time the patient is in remission. Now ask yourself, what doctor is going to pass up that much money?
Note, MJ walked around with a hat, facial coverings, and an umbrella to shield his body from UV light. That is a must with discoid lupus.
Lupus DLE to SLE
- Early signs of vitiligo
Here’s where Lupus DLE and SCLE gets tricky. When the lesions fall below the neck there is a chance the patient will develop Lupus SLE. If a patient develops what is known as acute or subacute cutaneous lupus, doctors will watch their patients closely and will begin testing for high levels of ANA proteins in the blood, protein in the urine, and joint pain. They will look for nonspecific skin lesions displaying anywhere on the body and of course any rash that occurs below the neck will be cause for suspicion.
MJ was diagnosed with vitiligo which is another autoimmune disease. Where some will develop splotchy discoloration over parts of their body, MJ saw the disease spread over his entire body. He is not the only one. There is a former New York model, Jeffrey Stanton Bell, who also saw the disease spread across his entire body. It does happen. This would place MJ in the category of skin disease that passed the neck line and now the question, could this have put MJ in that <5% category of those who go on to develop Lupus SLE? In my opinion, it could have. Since I am not a doctor and cannot say this with certainty, MJ began having lots of health problems after this.
In 1990, MJ was hospitalized with something called costochondritis. This is one of many disorders associated with autoimmune diseases. You can also experience this very painful condition if you have been doing strenuous exercise. I experienced this in 1989 and called an ambulance to my house because I thought I was having a heart attack. The paramedic asked me if I had been doing the “rough & tumble” or strenuous exercise. When I saw my doctor later I was told I had experienced costochondritis which is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum). It causes sharp pain in the costosternal joint – where your ribs and breastbone are joined by rubbery cartilage. The pain caused by costochondritis can mimic that of a heart attack or other heart conditions.
If MJ’s bout with costochondritis was brought on by dancing and singing, that’s one thing. It could have been a sign of something more sinister happening within his body which would represent one more thing to add to the shopping cart for Lupus SLE. If the costochondritis was brought on by Lupus SLE, it would mean either MJ had undiagnosed Lupus SLE – which is possible and happens often – or his discoid lupus went systemic around this time.
In December 1995, MJ collapsed in New York during rehearsal for a TV special and was described as “dangerously ill”. According to his doctors, MJ had a viral intestinal infection that led to nausea and dehydration and he spent nearly a week in the hospital. What I remembered of this hospitalization was seeing no photos of MJ after his release from the hospital. It’s possible I missed them. Was he put on prednisone or some steroid? I don’t know and this is pure speculation on my part. I will say intestinal problems are common with lupus and there are numerous autoimmune diseases that affect the intestines. If this was an autoimmune disorder we have yet another item for the Lupus SLE shopping cart.
Now, let’s talk about steroids. They will change your appearance; they will bloat your body, bloat your face and make you fat. Would MJ go for that? Probably not. If folks talked about his skin, his weight and his hair, they most certainly would have talked about his being fat.
Another curious thing MJ did was tape his fingertips. In 2005, I too taped three fingers on my left hand. Why? Raynaud’s phenomenon. From MedicineNet:
Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP) is a condition resulting in a particular series of discolorations of the fingers and/or the toes after exposure to changes in temperature (cold or hot) or emotional events. Skin discoloration occurs because an abnormal spasm of the blood vessels causes a diminished blood supply to the local tissues. Initially, the digit(s) involved turn white because of the diminished blood supply. The digit(s) then turn blue because of prolonged lack of oxygen. Finally, the blood vessels reopen, causing a local “flushing” phenomenon, which turns the digit(s) red. This three-phase color sequence (white to blue to red), most often upon exposure to cold temperature, is characteristic of RP.
I had this bad in both hands but, when the hands were not purple or discolored, the fingertips were red, inflamed and sensitive to touch. I taped my fingers because this protected me from touching something and going through the roof – or to the moon – with pain. Was this the case with MJ? I don’t know. He taped the fingers on his right hand, I taped fingers on my left hand. He could have turned his painful ordeal into a fashion statement, like the hats and aviator sunglasses he needed to wear to protect his scalp and eyes from UV light.
In December 2002, MJ began walking with crutches and his left foot was wrapped in bandages. He said this was due to swelling from what he described as a spider bite. It’s possible or was this something else. With Lupus SLE anything is possible, gout, swelling of the ankles or heels of the feet, and if the immune system is in overdrive, any infection will go in to outer space in a New York minute. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Again, if he had Lupus SLE, this would be another item to add to the shopping cart
Stress And Lupus
Now, let’s go to 2005 and the trial in Santa Maria. Stress will shoot Lupus SLE into orbit as well. Flares are a lupus sufferer’s worst enemy and I suspect MJ had many of them during the trial. I was there the day he jumped atop the SUV and began dancing. That day was the beginning of the trial, however, as the trial wore on, MJ got sicker and sicker. He had back pain, was hospitalized briefly and appeared at court in his pajamas. At that time I had been diagnosed with Lupus SLE and wondered if the talk of MJ having Lupus beyond Discoid Lupus was true. He was certainly displaying all of the signs of a person with Lupus SLE. By the end of that trial MJ was spent, both mentally and physically.
Stress is bad on a body generally, with Lupus SLE, stress will literally kill you. Since MJ was preparing for a concert – a rather large and very ambitious one at that – as a perfectionist, if he didn’t feel up to the task and if his body had been taken down by lupus, the stress of this could have led to his death. If he had Lupus SLE and if his immune system started attacking his heart, yes, it’s quite possible he suffered a heart attack or cardiac arrest .
There is a video on YouTube of a young woman’s parents telling the story of their daughter’s trip to a conference out-of-town. She was perfectly fine when she left, they talked to her while she was there, and she was fine and healthy. Sometime between the last known conversation with her and the next day she was dead from cardiac arrest. With Lupus SLE, the immune system will kick up and attack the kidneys, the heart, lungs, thyroid, pancreas, and other internal organs and systems.
There was another rumored report that MJ had a rare lung disease called Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. This is an inherited disease and is more common in white populations, less common in black populations. I don’t know if he had this and the MJ camps vehemently denied the allegation. If he did have a lung disorder it might have been any number of autoimmune lung disorders like sarcoidosis and others. He might have even suffered a brief bout of pleurisy. I really doubt the Alpha-1 diagnosis.
Pain Medications
I will honestly say I took pain medication prior to my hospitalization and my pain medicine of choice was ibuprofen – also known as Motrin and Advil. This decreased my pain significantly and I was not taking 200 mg of the drug. I often popped 800mg at a time. The joint and muscle pain can be overwhelming and if you have to work, you do what you need to do. After my hospitalization and being diagnosed with lupus nephritis, I now cannot take ibuprofen because it is bad for the kidneys, like Tylenol – also known as acetaminophen – is bad for the liver. Today, I live with the pain because the alternatives are Vicodin and opiates like OxyContin. I have chosen to leave all of them alone.
In MJ’s case, being a performer, I can see why someone would go for the stronger drugs. Again, joint and muscle pain can be overwhelming if you don’t know how to deal with it. Popping a pill is easy and the results are immediate. With lupus, particularly when you are around those who do not understand the disease, you will be labeled lazy, uncooperative, and so much more if you complain of something no one can see.
Getting up in the morning for a person with severe Lupus SLE can be one hard road to tow. You’re tired, you have joint and muscle pain, you feel as if you haven’t slept in days, there is this 40 pound or more weight on your body and gravity is the heaviest of the weights. You really would like to stay in bed all day and not move. Anyone with the means to do this will start their day with an upper of some sort to get them going and then a pain pill of their choosing to silence the pain. If you are a performer, business person, or someone who has to move and do every single day of your life, this is breakfast. Unfortunately, you are also inviting something called a heart arrhythmia when you do this. Your upper could be something like too many cups of coffee and your pain pill could be way too much Vicodin or an opiate. I can see the heart attack coming here.
With lupus, you have to stay under a doctor’s care. You cannot self medicate because what worked last week or last year may cause you great harm today. Depending on where the flare is attacking your body, particularly if you become severely anemic as I learned earlier this year, something you thought might work might kill you.
Then There’s The Food Thing
To add something else as well and again, this is pure speculation. I don’t eat much either. Some of the medications I take cause me a lot of stomach discomfort and I’ve been hung over the porcelain throne throwing up meals. I am not anorexic or bulimic but you just don’t want to eat when you think you’re going to suffer stomach upset as a result. Food becomes less appealing. You can only swallow so many Tums a day and if you are an active person, eating on the run can present one horrible set of circumstances when you’re feeling queasy. Not eating is also bad for your heart. We have to force ourselves to do it.
I heard MJ had a personal chef at one point, don’t know if he could afford it in recent years but some of the food out here will kill you too and MJ seemed very aware of this. You really become a funny eater after being diagnosed with Lupus SLE. If you’re not, you could do great damage.
I have to give MJ a lot of credit for incorporating fashion and function. He taped his fingers and made it a style. He might have been masking the redness of his fingertips or protecting his fingers from the pain one would feel from Raynauds when handling microphones. Dropping the mic and screaming would not have been cute. He also wore hats and sunglasses to protect himself from harmful UV rays and he incorporated these into his fashion garb. He wore casts, braces and kneepads to possibly protect against the pain from arthritis. It makes good sense to me, particularly the knee pads, I’d like to have a few of those myself.
In closing, Lupus DLE and SLE is not nice. There’s a lot of suffering with this disease. You will have good days and bad days and the bad days can be rough. Depending on how you manage the disease, you can either live a long and healthy life or a life filled with pain and discomfort brought on by other medications like opiates or excessive use of painkillers, uppers and whatever else is out there. If you are a person who has a stressful profession and you cannot and will not slow your role as they say, the stress can and will kill you.
You have to watch fats, sugars, caffeine intake, the amount of protein and sodium, and other chemicals that can be harmful. Depending on what medications you are taking, you may not be able to eat or drink certain foods or juices. Over-the-counter remedies must be looked at carefully along with exercise and the amount of exercise you are doing. Then there are days when you will just have to stay in bed and get plenty of rest. Then there are the days when you will have to cancel all commitments because the body can’t take it. The 10 to 50 concert tour and the stress of preparing for the tour could have caused a flare. A flare can come on as anemia, pluersy, brain seizures, heart attack or stroke, kidney disease, severe swelling of the joints, a lung condition — pick one — edema, sudden blindness, swelling in the back, cartilage, etc., high blood pressure, and so much more. When treated, they will eventually go away. If it is not treated properly, you could die. Plain and simple.
Additionally, you have to learn to not listen to a lot of folks, particularly those who don’t know a thing about Lupus. Folks may call you lazy, uncooperative, crazy, faking, and God only knows what. They are not paying your bills and they are not living in your body. Distance yourself from them. Others will tell you it’s mind over matter and will try to make you feel bad for not going with them somewhere. Limit the amount of poison in your life and that includes people. If you’re married to them, lock them out of the house.
Today, I’m feeling well thank you and I’m on a chemo drug called Cytoxan. In seven months, if all is well, I’ll probably still feel well. And then, I may not. I may be on another drug then and I’ll be tired and listless again. Who knows. But, in the end, I do know what I need to do for me and that’s what matters, not what others say or think. There are folks right now who are very angry with me for not performing or doing at the level of what I was once able to do. I ain’t doing it and I ain’t killing myself for someone else. I cannot do a lot of things now and no amount of verbal pushing will make me do it. The answer is no. I am thankful I was able to live long enough to appreciate the word “NO”.
7 months ago
Thanks for this story. As I was reading this, I saw myself in this story. I have a mild case of an autoimmune disease, connective tissue disease. I suffer from reynauds, and possibly sarcoidosis. The first things that began for me were the joint pain and the pain in my hands from the cold. I kept getting costochondritis. Doctors had no clue what was going on. My husband and I moved to New York a few years ago, and I finally got the diagnosis. I took methotrexate but it made my immune system to weak. We switched to Plaquenil and I got a rash. It does affect your vision and a person should see an opthamologist every six months. Earlier this year, I began having seizures. I am now being treated by both a Rheumatologist and a Neurologist. I do see my regular physician and a dermatologist. I have skin rashes and sometimes places that don’t heal well. So I can understand.
Some days the pain is so horrible I don’t want to get out of bed, but I do. We have to know our limits. I work 4 days a week. I am now taking Tramadol for the pain which has a mild narcotic. I am supposed to take it twice a day, but I told my Rheumatologist that I can only take it once a day, because I cannot function during the day. I also take Trileptal for the seizures. The Neurologist has decided to change this medicine to Topomax because it helps with the migraines as well as the seizures. Over the course of the last few months, the immflammation has seemed to be in remission and I am feeling better. Although, stress can cause it to flare up at any time. Acid reflux is another problem, and when stressed this flares up as well.
So I for one believe that Michael did suffer from lupus and vitiligo and that people assumed he was lying just to get pain meds. When you have a disease that really doesn’t make you look sick on the outside, people do label us complainers and whiners. For a man who performed constantly and flawlessly, I cannot begin to imagine the pain he must have been in.
Thank you again for writing this. Very beautifully written.
7 months ago
When I read this article I cried and I can’t stop crying. Thank you Anita also for sharing and may God heal your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet in Jesus’ name. My heart is broken for the many times I judged MJ for changing his appearance. I ask God to forgive me and to have mercy on us all. I’ve searched my soul and I pray for God’s grace to live my life with the same passion as MJ did. With all he suffered, God Almighty truly blessed him to touch the entire world. In my little corner of the world, I pray I will make as powerful a mark to thank God for the talent He has entrusted me with. I am a sinner saved by grace and I don’t know if I will ever be able to match the generosity of spirit of MJ but I will try. One day the world will know the truth and it will make them free.
Mary Titus
6 months ago
I too want to thank you for this. I am saving this in my bookmarks. I had no idea that he had lupus in any form until after his death. I do recall it being reported last year that he needed a lung transplant. As I pointed out to my family…MJ was dying and his days were numbered anyway. It will be of no surprise to find out that Michael Jackson died of natural causes and the lupus may have led to the problems with his psyche. I do hope that lupus took him from us. Let’s not let Michael Jackson go into death with any more masks. Let’s see exactly what Michael Jackson has had to endure with his health. I want to add that MJ’s vitamin D levels were probably extremely low. He probably would have been helped enormously with optimal vitamin D levels.
6 months ago
Wow- reading your story about MJ and yourself is like you wrote it about me. I am 47 yr old female first with vitiligo then lupus. Every description you mentioned is my life all the time. There were so many times I wanted to scream at all the horrible people that said terrible things about him for “making himself white”. He had no choice, it was that or to look even more different for a black man to have white blotches all over his face and body. I am white and my spots are everywhere and huge and spreading more, they started when I was 10. Grade school, junior and senior high was a nightmare, I turned very bitter. Can you imagine what this guy must of gone through? People judging all the time, and so unfairly. I truly hope he is at peace now. It was wonderful to see so many people come together for him, but I guess a little sad to, where were all these people when he was a live and needed them. ……….they were off making fun and being judgemental.
A.D. Odom
6 months ago
I wholeheartedly agree. I had no idea the importance of Vitamin D until my doctors went ballistic when they saw my blood work. My Rheumy told me I had to up my intake of Vitamin D and now I must take 1,000 IU of Vitamin D every day. I also have to take Omega 3s, B vitamins, E and Calcium (because of the prednisone). Nutrition is very important with lupus. I’m glad you mentioned the D because I wondered about that too with Michael, particularly after seeing the last photos of him during rehearsal.
6 months ago
People are not happy with themselves, so that is the reason why they have to judge. MJ suffered a lot. I can relate to MJ because I had a severe case of eczema when I was in junior high and high school. I felt so embarrassed that there were times that I would not go to school and I would consistently wear long sleeves and long pants. All the people around me would ask me why I would wear long sleeves in the summer and I did not know what to answer. I had very low self-esteem, so I could just imagine how MJ felt, especially being in the spot light. Right now my eczema is in remission, but there are days that my eczema flares up and I get it on my face, arms and necks. Eczema is not as severe as lupus, but it can cause the same feelings of embarrassment. The sad thing is that people that have not suffered from skin diseases do not understand how something like this can really have a toll on your self-esteem and health. God bless Michael he is now resting is peace. I hope that the truth about his diseased do come out to the judgmental people can get an idea of how he suffered.
Karen Bridges
6 months ago
I am so thankful for your article. I can sympathize so much with what Michael Jackson had to go through. I understand your plight also. My sister has Crohn’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. She just got out of the hospital. She has always been labeled as lazy and her personality was different at times. I do believe that autoimmune diseases can affect your psyche. I understand why Michael had the plastic surgery. He probably felt that with the vitiligo and lupus he was changing into someone different. When he looked in the mirror the man he saw was so different. I hope that he is at peace. I wanted to let you know that Yoga would help a lot. I do it and it works wonders for me.
6 months ago
Thought this was an excellent article and I am glad that I read it. It clears up a lot of questions that I (and probably countless others) have had over the years concerning MJ. But diseases, conditions, ageing, eccentricities, etc. aside…..I really loved him, his work,(for humanity and the planet) and especially his music, which made us all feel good and smile. The music will live on and on. Bless his mom and dad for giving the world such a great gift in MJ.
6 months ago
I judged MJ hastly because of his (appearance) changing. Now I understand what happended to him and I’m really regret. I ask God forgive me for what I had done. I love him and miss him deeply. May God bless his soul and his family (specially his children)
6 months ago
hello everyone i was diagnosed with discoid and systemic lupus in 1994 .I am a mother of one and i’m 38 years old.I know how everyone feels every day because that is how I feel.I also have the Raynauds,Rheumatoid Arthritis,and the Butterfly pattern on my face. The only medication I take is Methotrexate and Folic acid.The other medication the doctors prescribe I am allergic too. I try to avoid the UV rays as much as possible. Not like MJ did. My skin is so scarred from Lupus that it feels like everyone is looking at you.And that makes it really hard for me,because I don’t like the way I look. So I would like to tell everyone that if you are diagnosed with lupus do everything your doctor tells you.
6 months ago
hi, i am deeply move by this article because i suffer from lupus.
I have delt with this for many years and i have deeply been hurt
to hear all the things that happen to mj…..
sorry i am just so emotional………………………………….
6 months ago
Thank you for this informative article. I always liked Michael Jackson but I too judged and I am so sorry. I never took the time to dig deeper for the truth, I just let the media feed me horrible lies. My heart hurts for Michael with everything that he had to endure. I have learned that if you must judge, judge slowly. The man gave so much of himself to everyone especially children. He was such a beautiful human being that cared so much about the world.
Mary Titus
6 months ago
I have read this blog over and over and over again. Finally, today they gave a very sight mention of Michael’s illnesses. Still it seems that the focus remains on prescribed drugs. But it was actually a vicious cycle for him-illness, meds, treatments. His years were numbered I am so sorry to say but I will be pissed if his death was caused by greed and careless doctors. I still feel that he would have been helped with vitamin and some caring doctors. He’s dtill be alive.
I was just watching his last performance, a rehearsal at Staples Center, no matter how sick he was, he was still the coolest dude on 2 feet.
6 months ago
I am a lupus patient. It took them over 5 months to tell me I had lupus. I do believe that MJ had lupus and vitiligio. Now that he is gone maybe they will leave him alone. Rest in Peace MJ!!!!
Also for all those who have to deal with lupus, I will pray for you and I know what you are going throught.
God Bless!!
6 months ago
I’ve had SLE for a long time. Backtracking to symptoms, I probably developed SLE when I was 15. I was exhausted all the time, but everyone — especially my mother — told me that the only thing wrong with me was laziness.
Even then, a diagnosis of lupus was slow in coming. I had what I learned later was the classic “butterfly” rash while still in my teens. The internist I saw, and went to see one day specifically about the rash, said he “didn’t like the looks of the rash.” He referred me to a dermatologist who really dropped the ball.
I spent more years exhausted much of the time and finally went to a new internist. He did an ANA test and it was positive; he said he was fairly certain I had lupus but would not positively confirm that I had lupus. He taught me how to live with lupus and put me on prednisone. I was able to stay awake past 6:30 pm for the first time in years, so I stayed on prednisone for a couple years, then weaned down over months. I had NO problem side effects from prednisone.
Having never had discoid lupus, I’ve never learned what one should and shouldn’t do to keep it under control. With systemic lupus and Irish white skin, I avoid the sun. If I’m going to be outside, I always wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt (even on hot days, when I wear an open shirt over a t-shirt or tank top) and if I’ll be out for more than a few minutes, a hat. (This isn’t bad advice for anyone, white or a person of color, who wants to avoid skin cancer.)
Despite all this, I didn’t not have a doctor who would actually record a diagnosis of SLE until about five years ago, forty years after the first symptoms I showed to a doctor. I don’t know if it’s a difficult condition to diagnose or if I just had doctors who were looking at the wrong symptoms. Celeste should count her blessings that she got a diagnosis in less than six months. Lupus is not a straightforward diagnosis for even the best doctor to make, and six months means that the doctor reviewed lots of tests and symptoms before concluding you have lupus.
Did MJ have systemic lupus? I don’t know. There are no effective treatments for SLE. I have no way of knowing how much of the severe, chronic pain I live with is the result of lupus or of fibromyalgia (I’m told I have that, but I’d never heard of it when it was first diagnosed) or something else. It doesn’t matter because it will still hurt no matter what caused it.
I’ve had many surgeries over the years, but no cosmetic surgery. I cannot imagine having surgery that was not necessary for my health. I had no say in my tonsillectomy; I had six surgeries for endometriosis (it took until the third surgery for doctors to diagnose endometriosis!), one surgery to try to repair my hip (it was spectacularly unsuccessful), one to remove my gallbladder, and one to remove my appendix (which no doctor would remove on any previous abdominal surgery).
My skin heals very slowly and it would be foolish for me to have a doctor cut my face to add or remove a dimple or to change the shape of my nose (and certainly not repeated surgeries to change my nose). If MJ did have systemic lupus, we know why his nose was falling off during one court appearance. MJ was not a stupid man and he could have looked up SLE and/or discoid lupus on the internet. There, he could have learned whether what his doctors were telling him was correct or incorrect. If it was incorrect or he was uncomfortable with the diagnosis, he could go to a different doctor.
Once we’re over the age of 18, we are free to choose our own doctors. If a doctor is not giving us straight answers, we can go to a doctor who will answer our questions. MJ didn’t even have the financial problems the rest of us face. I don’t think he, or anyone, should have his medical history discussed unless he started the discussion.
6 months ago
This post has made me look differently at Michael Jackson’s music videos. I have stopped paying attention to the songs and focus on what he is wearing and how much makeup he was using in the videos from the 80s. He wore these huge boots at the 1996 VMA awards. In this video he wore kneepads and tied something on his right leg. You can tell by the way he is dancing that the leg is not fine but that doesn’t seem to be stopping him. He pushed himself too hard.
6 months ago
I know what Michael Jackson was going through my daughter has lupus but it’s SlE lupus.If you see some of the video’s that they show of MJ going in court sometimes in wheelchair and under an umbrella, sound like he could have had SLE. But I feel so sorry of what Michael jackson had to go through with the viltigo and lupus people thinking he was bleaching his skin, see you should never judge anyone on hear say. REST IN PEACE MJ.
6 months ago
Thank for the this lovely story of Michael Jackson.I really miss MJ because all the crap these people put him through was so stupid.How in the world would MJ have sex with a little boy when he don’t even have time for it??Why would he do it?? I tell you being black it so hard sometimes. All this time he was very ill and nobody care well most of the people care but it was still the haters. All he wanted was people to love him and not talk about him but instead they hurt him. They should be a shame of them selve now that he is gone, you can’t even say you sorry for all the thing you said. I also one’s who thought he was bleaching him self because he wanted to be white more then black but i was truely wrong. All i know is he was the best and was caring and loving his kids and to his fans but most of all he change everyone through his wonderful music that he had bought to the world. Oh one more thing MJ needed to grain weight because to me he look good when he was fat I thought he looked sexy and still i think he was sexy till the day i die.I will alway have him in my heart. R.I.P Michael J. Jackson
6 months ago
LOOK!!! Michael Jackson should have not died!!! Him dieing would have been the most worst thing that had happend to me. I have sat back long ehough and listend and read in the pappers and on the net everything all you a**hole people have said bout him!! Michael Jackson was the most sweets and nices man and farther, his kids should be so proud of him. now i just loved Michael, he was my hiro, ever since i heard him on the radio i have wonted to be a famous singer like Michael he has inspried me!! he has shown me that know matter what people say about me even if it isnt true just dont worry at least i no the truth!! All of you people gave Michael Jackson enuf when he was alive and now that he has passed away you dont even cear you just dont know when to stop do you!!! how would Michael have sex with the little boy?? i thik that them boys that Michael so called had sex with got talked into saying “yes Michael did have sed with me” and i think they got talked into that so that their perents could get money, you tell me ok if a man had sed with you little boy what would you do would you wont this much money or would you wont him locked up?? i think you no the answere! you would wont him locked up!! when Michael was ill people still wouldnt give him a brake, it was just all bullshit. i watched a thing on youtube when some1 keeped on asking Michael if he did have sex with a little boy Michael said no manny times and he keeped asking Michael till he had Michael in tears it brought me to tears, it just broke my heart to see someone to be so MEAN!! man, who gives how much surgury he had i thought he was SEXY even when he dided and he will always be. there is no way Michael is going to be forgoten EVER. I LOVE YOU MICHALE JACKSON!!!!!! there is no way i will ever forget you. xxxx love you with all of my heart know matter what people say just keep going and dont let go xx Michael Jacson is still with us everybody we just have to look up to the beautefull ski and say a little pre and say hey i know i do all thie time. I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH
with out michael i wouldnt have been able to sing and now i have a lead rol in my school production sining!!! thatkyou Michael, i lobe you sooo much you shouldnt have gone and we all know that
an MJ fan
6 months ago
Thank you so much for your post – I’ve lost a family member that suffered with lupus for years. Most people do associate it with JUST the skin and don’t understand that can be so horrible and debilitating. There’s not enough education on these types diseases. I’m sure with MJ’s passing that will change.
As MJ’s autopsy results loom just on the horizon, i hope more people read this and learn something from this. Unless you have suffered through this or watch a loved one suffer through this, you have no clue. Never ever judge. Chances are you don’t know the full story. MJ was and will always be completely unique. He was a gift from God and was treated poorly by judgement from closed minded people. I will remember him in my day to day life through unselfish acts and charities and hope that many of you will do the same – what better way to keep his spirit alive. I <3 MJ
6 months ago
Thank you for the great article.
6 months ago
Excellent article, thank you.
5 months ago
I love reading your blog, very informative & heart-wrenching, I’ve saved it on my bookmarks as well. I saw a vid on Geraldo where they interviewed a doctor who examined MJ back in 2005. According to the doctor MJ’s Lupus affected his decision to constantly reconstruct his nose, they were all attempts to deal w/ his Lupus. Again, it I don’t know the extent of how truthful this is but my God – this man suffered through so much ridicule, humiliation & taunting for what could very well be a disease that he could not help but have. His passing is a sad day for all of us but it’s also instrumental to opening our eyes to who he was, what we did to him & what the media continues to portray him as. I hope his passing serves as a catalyst for change.
5 months ago
Thanks for the article and insight. Too bad Michael was made to feel he could not trust people enough to reveal his illness. He could have enlightened the public about this disease. When suffering is invisible people have little empathy. He could have helped others even more than he already did through his charitable work (the media never reported much on that). He was always so concerned about being perceived as perfect and never letting his fans down. My cousin’s daughter died from this disease about two years. She was only in her 30’s. The undertaker was not sure she would be viewable because of the fluids and bloating of her body. I recall she had an incident of altered mental status at some point. Suddenly, appearing at my aunt’s house disorientated. It wasn’t until after her death that I learned this disease or one of its manifestations can cause psychosis as well. Even when Michael could have clearly stated that he had extensive vitiligo, he did not during his interview with Oprah. He stated very simply that he had a condition that was God given and he couldn’t help the color of his skiin. It makes me weep for him and my cousin and other sufferers of autoimmune diseases just to write this.
5 months ago
I think he covered up the symptoms by trying to play the part of an eccentric. Maybe he enjoyed it, maybe that was like his hiding place. Cuz I don’t think he enjoyed a whole lot else in life. Feel sorry for him. I have to admit that up until last year or this one, I thought he was wacko jacko – i thought he was just weird. I didn’t know he had this skin problem or lupus or whatever. I feel bad about that. I also can’t blame him for hiding it – a lot of guys hide illnesses from others because they don’t want to be seen as weak or broken or unworkable. Being seen as eccentric is ok, IF you can pull it off. I’m not sure he pulled it off very well, but he did make some good memorable music over the years. Judge not less he be judged, unfortunately, it’s a lot easier to judge others than it’s to heed that proverb.
4 months ago
Just leave Michael alone!!!!!!!! At least now, when he is dead, because of you damned tabloids!!! Go to hell, you all!!!!!!!!!
4 months ago
I wonder how many of his friends and the people around him knew he had Lupus. Many people did not believe he had Vitiligo including Quincy Jones who was very close to him during the Thriller era.
4 months ago
i love you micheal jackson so mach you are not along am hear with you you are in my hart for ever i love you.
meera rasadurai
3 months ago
I have always loved/love michael and absolutely felt his honesty …
Take care Odom and wish you much love and healing …
3 months ago
M J was the idol of my children. I am a grandmother. I used to criticise him for his gestures on stage. Then somewhere along the way I began to pray for him. Maybe I heard that his father was hard on him. In any case I liked some of his music and videos; some i did not. I am going somewhere with this…hold on.
Then his death–boom!! I can’t get enough news of his life, see enough videos, hear the music. I really SEE the MAGIC now. OMG!! It IS tragic that such a gifted and gentle person had to leave us . “GONE TOO SOON” I too, ache for all of his physical and emotional pain.
Here is my thought on it all. Hope it helps someone who is grieving as I am–grieving for two reasons. Almost two months after MJ passed, my oldest son, 4 years younger than Michael Jackson, died of yet undertermined causes.
His name, ironically, was Michael. My son had many personal, emotional and professional setbacks. He was also ill from an incurable disease. The latter I did not know until after his death. He was “protecting” me. He was in a lot of pain, from many causes.
Perhaps, just maybe, the Creator and Father of us all said, in both cases, “You have suffered enough, son. Lets just go on Home” Rest in Peace?? I pray they are both dancing for Joy. Michael-my son loved Michael Jackson . I hope the two of them get to meet, talk, sing, dance–”whoooo.”
: – )
3 months ago
And, NO–I do not believe that Michael Jackson abused one boy, girl or any child !!!
3 months ago
It is a great article. Thanks.
I’ve heard about it, even his diagnosis of his lung, but i do not know how true it was.
i had a lecture on SLE this morning, and i had the urge to know if Michael really had SLE, so i searched and found this article. It was a great analysis. i guess this gave his fans out there some answers though we cannot be certain of the exact truth. i just hope that those people involved can be brave enough to stand up to tell the truth and let Michael rest in peace.
To console The MJ fans: God brought Michael with him probably he knew that he had been suffering too much in this world. His fate could have been a relief for him and he might be enjoying himself now in Heaven. Michael knows we love him and he loved us more. So, we shall live strong and carry on with the MJ spirit – to make the world a better place. =)
We should even be happy that Michael once exist in our life.
Thanks for the beautiful music and love that you’ve shared.
You will always live in our hearts. =)
2 months ago
I have a daughter with SLE since she was 13 years old now 17 years old. Im in tears now becasue I know what michael Jackson went through rest in peace
2 months ago
Thank you so much for this article. I can only hope that the world will eventually see the truth about Michael Jackson and why his appearance changed so much. I knew he had vilitigo and lupus, but I hadn’t really realized to what extent it can affect a person. Hopefully, people will see that MJ was not the eccentric weirdo that the rotten media reported him to be.
I can understand Michael not sharing that he had lupus. The world didn’t believe him when he said he had the vilitigo, so he probably didn’t think they would believe that either. The poor man had to deal with too much. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t by the so-called journalists.
Despite all Michael’s pain, both physical and emotional, he never stopped loving and giving. If anyone deserves sainthood, it would be Michael Jackson. His humanitarian work and his concern for our planet needs to be recognized much more than it has been.
The allegations were false right from the start. There is no way on God’s green earth that Michael would ever hurt a child. The thought of doing such a thing would never even enter his mind. He was too pure and too caring for that. Simply put, Michael Jackson is love and love is healing. His fans will always remember him for that. His music and dance was legendary, but his goodness and love for others makes him even more special.
Bertha Cecilia Urdinola Aljure
2 months ago
Thank you for these wonderful article that opens the eyes about the truth of MJ.
2 months ago
.I was very impressed when I read this articol.I didn’t know all these things about him..It’s amazing how someone can be so generous, and can give so much to others when the world was so bad with him.I find it ’s unfair to receive a one person so much suffering and pain .
I always liked MJ. There are so many things to love about Michael. His brilliance in music, dance style, creative writing and artwork. What I will always love and remember him for is his loving, generous heart and sincere concern for people, peace, unity, animals and the planet. He left his magical glittery path wherever he went, and touched our hearts with his pure, innocent, unconditional love. Whatever he has done was a piece of art and so unique.He has not been only a great artist but a great person as well.He has offered so much of his energy,time and money to make this world a better one…He was such a beautiful human being that cared so much about the world.May we all learn from his gentle way, and become more sensitive to each other’s feelings.
I can say that I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to live at the same time with Michael jackson
Susie R
2 months ago
Regardless of the types of diseases Michael Jackson may or may not have had,make no mistake about it,Michael was murdered,he didn’t simply coincidentaly died 8 days before embarking on a series of concerts,which would be a huge success,if the movie “This is It” was any indication.