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Welcome to Pica 12

The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


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"Books" archive

Tuesday 28 March

  • Susan McHenry Returns to Black Issues Book Review as Editorial Director (09:28) - As part of its recent acquisition of Black Issues Book Review magazine, Target Market News, Inc. president, Ken Smikle, has announced that award-winning editor, Susan McHenry is returning to her former position as Editorial Director of the bi-monthly beginning in... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Monday 20 March

  • Target Market News buys Black Issues Book Review from Cox, Matthews & Assoc. (12:55) - Black Issues Book Review, the nation’s leading magazine on African-American book publishing, announced today that it has been acquired by Target Market News, Inc. The bi-monthly magazine that chronicles the latest developments of black authors, publishing executives and booksellers, was... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Monday 27 February

  • Octavia Butler – June 22, 1947 to February 25, 2006 (20:17) - “It's natural for humans to feel superior to each other and there would be intolerance even if we were all the same color.” – Octavia Butler from NPR Interview I wanted to think a bit about this before writing it. ... | 1 Comments
  • Tuesday 21 February

  • Might Be Going Back To Chicago For This One (15:38) - Studs Terkel, Oh Yeah! ... | 0 Comments
  • Wednesday 15 February

  • Quitting America (07:10) - In light of the previous post, here's a man who did quit America.  In his book "Quitting America" Randall Robinson is quitting America, and his book charts his journey from the most powerful nation on earth to the tiny tropical... | 0 Comments
  • Friday 10 February

  • Endesha Ida Mae Holland August 29, 1944 to January 25, 2006 (23:07) - A child does not need to dwell in her mother's house forever to be a loyal daughter, I realized, or stay in her birthplace to remember where she's from.- From the Mississippi Delta (1984) This has been a worldwind couple... | 0 Comments
  • Friday 27 January

  • Life Imitating Art (07:04) - I really feel bad for James Frey and what happened to him yesterday on the Oprah Show.  I feel bad because this man has been dragged through the mud for weeks over the depiction of characters and scenes in... | 0 Comments
  • Monday 23 January

  • Their Eyes Were Reading Smut -- Oh My (14:40) - A friend sent me info on a fabulous chat going on now in the's Discussion Board, Thumper's Corner Discussion Board to be exact.  The post title is "Their Eyes Were Reading Smut" and is very telling. It starts with... | 0 Comments
  • Sunday 11 December

  • Fledgling (17:05) - I've jumped so far ahead in my readings I am now way behind on my reviews. In order to catch up, I will probably post two a day for a while, or perhaps I will post them all at once.... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Monday 5 December

  • Cinnamon Kiss (08:06) - One of my greatest passions is reading.  Unfortunately, for a few years now I have been suffering with something.  I had no idea, at the time, why I felt so tired or drained.  I would pick up a book, try... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
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