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Welcome to Pica 12

The rants and raves of an artemis woman. This is my space on the web to rant and rave about events in my life and in the news. You will also find articles here on my life with lupus, a disease I was recently diagnosed with which has probably been with me through most of my life.


You are here: Home > May 2006

May 2006

Wednesday 31 May

  • 'X-Men' Dare to Ask Whether Differences Should Be 'Cured' (16:50) - Complied by the DiversityInc staff © 2006® May 31, 2006 "X-Men: The Last Stand" asks whether there should be a cure for the things that make people different from each other and looks at how "mutantism" represents real-life... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Lou Dobbs: The Selling Of America (11:18) - Lou Dobbs is fast becoming one of my favorite talking heads on television today. I've always liked his commentary on finances, however, Dobbs has become an advocate on tough issues our elected politicians dare not tread. Dobbs used to... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Tuesday 30 May

  • I Am Loving This (09:55) - Can I say this again, I Am Loving This! A big hat tip to Professor Kim for introducing us intially to Andreas Thai-Yan of MediaClectic. On Monday, she brought From the Mediaclectic Fifth Element Subway Series I want to... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Taking A Bite Out Of The Internet (06:50) - You knew I had to have a squirrel right? Last week a co-worker showed me a letter from our DSL provider – Pacbell, then SBC Global, now AT&T – stating a lower price for faster speed. Tempting? Yes. I’ve... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Sunday 28 May

  • Baton Bob - "The Ambassador of Mirth" (19:08) - I love this guy. I first heard about Baton Bob through a friend who visited Atlanta and said she met this guy she thought was crazy 'til she spoke to him and found "he ain't crazy!" I've seen very little... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Mr. Squirrel (12:06) - I promised a friend I would capture Mr. Squirrel whenever I had a chance to "catch him in the act" and today was my lucky day. He carried this orange from one of my trees, across the front yard, and... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • The Mockingbirds (11:27) - I heard a very funny story some months ago about a mockingbird in someone's backyard. As the story went, police were called to the home of a family, in the wee hours of the morning, because their bird was making... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Saturday 27 May

  • Making Up For Lost Time (12:59) - I know I have not posted here in a while. We’ve been so slammed at work these past few weeks I’ve had little interest in doing anything more than vegetate and prepare for the next day of work. Recently, after... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Thursday 18 May

  • Bill O'Reilly Fears the End of White Privilege (11:17) - Oh give me a break. Yes, when I'm tired, cynicism is wont to raise its ugly head. Sometimes I wish the surgery performed to make his mouth move when his butt talks would expose itself for all to see. Alas,... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • "Tar Baby" Said He? (10:56) - I know in this day and age of catchy cliches and snazzy phrases one must always keep in mind to back away from those words and phrases smacking of . . . well . . . the tales of... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • My Destiny? (10:01) - Yesterday stretched the limits of what my body and brain could take and today I'm paying the price for that overextension -- I'm very tired. With that and feeling a little bored as well, I took one of those crazy... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Wednesday 17 May

  • Now This Is Funny (07:25) - The fear is far more intimidating than the task itself. Tackle this onerous job, and you'll find that it's easier than you would've believed. In fact, you'll realize that your imagination made it far worse than the reality. This is... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Life Keeps Moving On (00:08) - This has been a most revealing week. It was not until last night I realized why. First, I need to address something. I talk about myself often and at times I may divulge intimate details about certain aspects of my... | 0 Trackbacks | 2 Comments

Tuesday 16 May

  • Been One Of Those Mornings (09:36) - | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Monday 15 May

  • Yawn: The "Decider" Speaks (22:43) - I have nothing to say regarding our President’s speech tonight sans this, a few quotes from Abraham Lincoln: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Migrating Birds DID NOT Carry Flu (09:37) - Defying the dire predictions of health officials, the flocks of migratory birds that flew south to Africa last fall, then back over Europe in recent weeks did not carry the deadly bird flu virus or spread it during their annual... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Sunday 14 May

  • Never Get Hung Up! (16:42) - My plan today was to go to Long Beach Pride. Well, needless to say that did not happen as I spent most of my day on the phone. Naturally, I called my mother to wish her a Happy Mother's Day.... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Saturday 13 May

  • Anita Baker: Happy Mother's Day (10:19) - | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Tuesday 9 May

  • My Workout (22:23) - I’m still going to the gym and in this past week I have gone every day. I’m also happy to say the elliptical and I have finally worked it out. I am now able to stay on the thing for... | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments
  • No Truer Words . . . (16:40) - I received this little diddy in an email today. I agree wholeheartedly. Television is a very poor substitute for a life. Not only is "experience" via TV secondhand (and thereby worthless in terms of life- and character-building), but it's rarely... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Lesbians' Brains Respond Like Straight Men (10:42) - The next time someone accuses me of "thinking like a guy" I will take their statement to heart. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lesbians' brains react differently to sex hormones than those of heterosexual women, new research indicates. That's in line with... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • A Mother’s Day Report Card: The Best - And Worst - Countries to Be a Mother (10:08) - Now this is interesting, the US and the UK are tied for 10th place on this list. Save the Children’s State of the World’s Mothers 2006 report takes a closer look at the inextricable link between the health and survival... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Liberia's Children (09:56) - What is going on in our world when adults would find pleasure in harming the world's children? One would think the "devil" has certainly discovered a way to ruin civilizations by first destroying its children. Something to ponder. Some of... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Monday 8 May

  • Back On My Soapbox (23:54) - I really don’t want to waste a lot of breath on people like Bishop Alfred E. Owens and his statements made about “sissies,” “faggots,” and “real men.” My apologies in advance but “real men” would not stoop to the level... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Sunday 7 May

  • So, I Had One Of Those Nights (15:47) - | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • The Immigration Issue: Can I Beat That Dead Horse One More Time (13:43) - Lately, what I’ve seen surrounding the immigration debate is some of the worse kind of racism I’ve not seen in years. Then again, I predicted Bush’s landing on Plymouth Rock (aka the White House) would produce some of the worse... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Friday 5 May

  • Time To Say Goodbye (15:55) - I’ve always believed everything happens for a reason. There are no accidents, no mistakes, no right or wrong, just life and living and understanding the little lessons that come your way. It seems life is taking me on a new... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Thursday 4 May

  • The Importance of Being Humble (14:32) - I did not want to drive my new car. I’ve been resisting. Why? Because I know turnabout is fair play and fair play is me seeing myself played out in others doing what I used to do while driving my... | 0 Trackbacks | 2 Comments

Wednesday 3 May

  • Mary Don't You Weep (06:53) - Had to do this one because it is one of my favorites from the new Springsteen CD. Okay, I'm done.... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • The "Boss" (06:32) - A few friends of mine went down to New Orleans this past weekend for the Jazz Fest and returned with horrible stories of what they saw while there. One commented saying New Orleans looks "like a war zone" and she... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Tuesday 2 May

  • He Got Game (14:37) - While I'm on the subject of football, kinda sorta, Denzel Washington's son, John David Washington, has been signed as a free agent for the St. Louis Rams. The 5-foot-10, 200-pound running back was among 10 undrafted players signed by the... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Dumb And Dumber (11:05) - What do you get when you mix a 5-foot-11, 168-pound White male against a 6-foot-6, 255-pound Black male who also happens to play professional football? Well, how about a hate crime. The 6-foot-6, 255-pound Black male happens to be Jason... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments

Monday 1 May

  • THE US WAR ON IMMIGRANTS IN THEIR FIGHT FOR EQUITY AND JUSTICE (20:14) - Now this is an interesting article and I agree with him in some respects, actually, it's pretty much where I stand on this issue. THE WAR ON IMMIGRANTS - by Stephen Lendman "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Debra Saunders Is A Little Ticked And Going Shopping (19:51) - Great American Boycott: No Thanks, I'm Going Shopping By Debra Saunders Apr 30, 2006 I am one American who will be moved in the direction not intended by sponsors of the May 1 National Day Without Immigrants Great American Boycott... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Ooops! Fire Them? (19:41) - San Diego's 10 News covered today's events as well but, what is most interesting to me is one of their surveys which asks the question "Do you think it is OK for a company to fire people who missed work... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Great American Boycott March (19:29) - Something I wanted to do today but could not -- because I had to work -- was cover the Great American Boycott March in Los Angeles. With only a few hours sleep and a hectic work day, I found myself... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments
  • Air America (19:09) - I have not heard a lot of good things about Air America since its launch and more specifically, I have not heard many good things about one of its popular hosts, Al Franken. Thankfully, Professor Kim does an excellent run... | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments